“Tory, it’s fine. I’ll dance with Henry. One dance,” I say, trying to mitigate the mounting tension.
He turns and looks at me like I’ve just shot a dart through his heart. “Whatever, Charity.”
“Let’s just dance, Henry.”
My new partner sloppily pulls me in tight. He mutters, “Finally.” Seconds later, Henry’s hands cup my butt and I inhale sharply.
I try to shove him away again as dull panic seeps through my heavy limbs. Henry sways with sloppy inebriation but he doesn’t release his hold on me.
Time seems to slow as I see Henry’s eyes go wide, though I’m sure only milliseconds pass before he backs away slightly. Tory blurs by me, shoving Henry in the chest forcefully, sending him flying into several girls dancing nearby. The music cuts out and everyone rights themselves, including Henry who foolishly puffs out his chest.
Everything else fades away. The music cuts out. Someone flicks the overhead lights on. Everyone is staring.
“You should run, Henry,” I tell him. He doesn’t listen.
“Didn’t I tell you to leave her alone?” Tory asks the question like it’s rhetorical but Henry answers, anyway.
“I’m telling you now.”
“Fine, I will. Relax, Amato,” Henry says, digging himself deeper.
“Not good enough,” Tory growls.
All eyes are on us and I hate it. No one is in control and this situation could be interpreted several different ways—none of them flattering. I take a step closer to Tory’s back, which is facing me. “Please, don’t start something.”
He turns toward me, one side of his lips quirked up into a lopsided smile. “I’m not starting anything, Charity.”
Tory waves a lazy hand toward himself, egging on Henry. “You get one shot, Mavis. You’ve been messing with my girl for weeks. I’m coming for you either way so you better get one in while you can.”
“I’m good,” Henry says and tries to take a step back. He must realize what’s about to happen. This situation is spiraling. Fast.
Tory steps forward. His voice echoes around the room. “Hit me.”
Everyone shrinks, but it jars Henry who reluctantly punches Tory in the mouth with a swift smack. The crowd reacts with an audible wince. Henry is a little smaller than Tory, but he threw all his weight into that punch and Tory did absolutely nothing to defend himself. The impact threw Tory’s head back. When he twists around to face Henry again, his shoulders shake with laughter.
Nothing is funny.
Nothing is funny, and this boy is laughing.
Everyone’s focus is on Tory and Henry. Vince finally pushes through the tight crowd but Tory waves him off.
Tory half-turns toward me, swiping the blood on his lip with a thumb. “See? I didn’t start anything. He hit me first. But I’m sure as hell gonna finish it.”
Chapter 22
Tory rears back and lands a solid blow against Henry’s jaw, though I’m certain he holds back. Henry goes down, and in a flash, Tory is on him.
Two. Three. Four times.