All the three of them looked at me dumbstruck, not knowing the little circus, no, actually a big circus that had transpired behind the scenes.
The sudden sound of someone's laughter and a pat on my back made me jump in my place, I turned to face Viaan, "She's such a jokester, I tell you."
Oh, he even knew how to laugh? Even if it was just for show.
Understanding dawned on their faces as the three of them started laughing. Viaan smiled charmingly towards me but his eyes held a silent warning making me let out a dry chuckle, "Yeah."
As if his warning scared me. Well, not anymore, at least not after what he had put me through. He gave me a gentle squeeze as his gaze intensified, sort of saying, more like ordering,'don't say anything stupid.'
He let go of me and started or perhaps resumed the discussion with his business associates after I huffed out in defeat and turned back to my friends.
"So, Boss Raivardhan, huh?" Prem wriggled his eyebrows at me causing an irresistible urge to grab him in a headlock and drill his head with my fist. But then, I had to suppress my urge.
"Yeah, he looks so friendly with you, I had never seen him even smile at the office! All he ever did was give that poker face, scaring the hell out of us!" Kavya ranted, making me burst out laughing.
Did she just use 'friendly' and 'Viaan' in the same sentence? It looks like she did. Oh, poor soul, she had no idea.
They looked at me like I had grown another head not understanding why I was laughing like a mad lady. None of them even asked why I was laughing, thank goodness. I wouldn't be able to explain them before rolling over the floor laughing. At one point in time almost everyone was looking at me, even Viaan himself but then they ignored it and resumed what they were doing.
"I thought that elevator lady who had been so dramatic and fake, was his girlfriend," Shreya commented thoughtfully. All was back to normal like I hadn't had a good five minutes laugh.
"Oh, come on! Don't pretend like you don't know her name," Kavya retorted before turning towards me as she chirped excitedly, "By the way, our Rynah beat her in all aspects." Kavya winked at me.
"In a sense?" I furrowed my eyebrows at Shreya's question.
I too had developed an interest in understanding the logic behind Kavya's statement.
Puffing her chest proudly, Kavya took out her mobile and played a clip. The same anchors who had been on the television screen singing praises about Nishika's appearance were now talking with my and Viaan's picture in the background.
"Oh. My. Gosh! Now I know not to question the Raivardhans taste in selecting anything. Let it be the perfect grand reception or the drop-dead gorgeous wife," the male anchor exhaled loudly in surprise.
"No doubt there, Naveen. The new female Raivardhan, Rynah Raivardhan beat Nishika Raichand by a huge margin. Let it be her exotic looks or her hourglass physique, not to forget the Raivardhan standards of dressing style. She was born to be a Raivardhan," the female anchor chirped excitedly.
Kavya switched the video off beaming widely. I didn't know why but I was floating on cloud nine. Maybe because I was declared to be better than Nishika in expectations? Or the fact that Viaan liked Nishika but I beat her? Or because of the phrase that I was born to be a Raivardhan? Maybe a bit of everything. I was no angel and no one asked me to be one. Especially towards Nishika.
"Rynah," the calling of my name made me suppress my euphoria yet I couldn't suppress my smile. I looked up to find Viaan gesturing towards an aged man who was standing before him with a smile.
"Meet Mr. Gajendra Tekur, the first man who signed a contract with me when I had just started," Viaan explained as he introduced, "And this is my wife Rynah."
"Pleasure to meet you Mr. Tekur," I shook his hand.
"You always go for the perfect ones, don't you, Raivardhan?" Mr. Tekur chuckled lightly before releasing my hand.
"You can say that," Viaan smirked before gesturing towards the tables, "Please do have dinner with us."
"No no, thank you so much. I'm on a diet so I shall be taking your leave early tonight. My wife has put me on a curfew, and I wouldn't want to upset her," he chuckled some more.
"Then I won't be stopping you tonight," Viaan smiled, like actually smiled! Like a genuine one! No pun intended.
I was still digesting the fact that Viaan could smile a real smile without any sarcasm or smirks when Mr. Tekur started to walk away.
"Let's have our dinner," Viaan didn't wait for my reply. Grabbing my hand, he dragged me towards the table.
I finished with the appetizers and started thinking about what to try first.
"Try Paella, it's good," Daksh suggested, pointing at a colorful seafood rice dish.