“I know you don’t understand, but it’s worked out. Gannon is an amazing man, and he treats me like I’m precious,” I insist, hoping to talk my brother off the ledge.
Gannon leans in and kisses my temple, his words a soft whisper against my hair, “Because you are precious.”
“I never knew you to be so fucking stupid,” Nico snarls and I gasp, my eyes filling with tears.
Sure, we’ve had fights here and there throughout our lives. We’re siblings after all, but there were always lines we never crossed. Calling me stupid for my decisions crosses the line.
I know he’s hurting, upset, and confused about my actions, but he doesn’t get to lash out at me. Even if he thinks he’s doing it in the name of keeping me safe.
“I felt like I was being stifled in Seattle, but here I feel free,” I try to tell him, my voice tumultuous.
“You’re going to come back home,” Nico insists like I didn’t say anything.
Like I am too stupid to make my own decisions.
Like I’m a little girl who needs her big brother to swoop in and save the day.
Like nothing has changed.
A tear rolls down my cheek and Gannon gently takes my phone out of my hand. He presses something on the screen and then his gruff voice is wrapping around me, “Nico.” He barks, “I don’t know what you just said to Lake, but she’s crying right now. I won’t allow that shit to happen. Not when I can stop it.”
Nico growls, “Who the fuck is this?”
“My name is Gannon Parsons. I’m a former Marine. I own land in Jasper Ridge where I built my cabin. I have a younger brother, Slade, who plays for the University of Mariposa football team. He’s expected to be drafted in the spring.” He takes a breath and holds my gaze. “I do independent consulting work for security firms. I don’t need to work much and can do a good portion of it remotely.”
I blink up at Gannon, my heart growing bigger with every word he says. He’s not just defending me, but himself as well. And our love. Our life.
I couldn’t be prouder of the man I’ve fallen in love with than I am in this moment. We hadn’t talked about what he does for work, but if he’s worried about my reaction, he shouldn’t be. I don’t care what he does. I just want him to be happy.
“How do I know you’re not just blowing sunshine up my ass?” Nico’s voice is firm, but there’s a smidge of hesitancy in it as well.
“Lake has told me about you and your club. She said a guy named Friar handles your IT. Have him run me down. He’ll find out all about me, my service record, my net worth, my family history—which was shit, much like yours. I don’t have anything to hide.” He looks at me and his eyes soften. “I love your sister. She is the most amazing woman I’ve ever met. She has grit and determination, but she’s soft and beautiful. I promise I will make her happy.”
“Fuck,” Nico barks and I blanche.
I don’t know what he’s going to say next, but I also don’t really want to hear it. I was afraid he would blow up at me and he did. I guess I wasn’t as prepared as I thought I was.
“Listen, I’m going to be marrying your sister in a few days. I want her to be my wife before the New Year. I was going to surprise her by taking her down to the courthouse on Friday since she already told me she doesn’t want some big thing. I hope you can be there to support her. She loves you so damn much.”
“You’re marrying my sister on Friday?”
“I’m not going to wait. She’s mine. I’m hers. That’s just the way it is.” He pauses, his dark blue eyes fixed on me, and he winks. “We hope to see you here. I look forward to meeting the man Lake loves so much, the one she hasn’t stopped telling me stories about. She thinks you’re a good man. I hope you prove her right.”
With those final words, Gannon hangs up. He. Hangs. Up.
On my brother. Nico. My brother.
He hangs the fuck up.
My jaw is on the damn floor as I stare at him, but he smirks at me and shrugs like it’s no big deal. But it is. It’s a huge deal.
I wrap my arm around the back of Gannon’s neck and pull him down until our lips are almost touching. “I love you,” I whisper softly before I kiss him with all the passion, love, and need my body contains for this man.
I do hope Nico shows up, but even if he doesn’t, I know I’m right where I belong.