“That’s a long time.” She drew in quick pants of air. It was cold outside, but she didn’t even care about her frozen feet or Jeremy’s attack.

Mason didn’t love Miriam. He’d stood up to her dad and Ray for her. He’d come for her.

“I love you so much …” He paused and softly brushed her mouth with his, starting a tingling sensation in her lips and making her arch up for more. “The only person who can keep me away from you is you, Kiera.”

Their breath intermingled. She clung to his biceps to steady herself.

“If you don’t love me back, I’ll never smile again. The joy will be wiped from my soul, but I will crawl away if you command me to, because I love you that much.”

Kiera’s body trembled. She adored this man.

“I want to see your smile every day for the rest of my life,” she admitted. “I love you, Mace. I’ve been in love with you since I was fourteen, but I realize now that was only a crush. The depth of my feelings for you now is all grown up and even more thrilling and perfect than I’d ever dreamed it could be. I love you and I will never stop.”

Mason grinned, and then he kissed her. The kiss swelled and their love circled around them. Even the cold night air couldn’t penetrate it.

When they finally came back down to earth, Mason cradled her in the protective circle of his strong arms and said, “I’d better get you home.”

“I do fancy feeling my toes again.” She smiled up at him.

“Kiera,” he scolded. “I’m going to have to take better care of you.”

“You already do.” She looked up at his handsome face. “Did you honestly quit the military?”

“I tried.” He gave her his usual smirk. “Predictably, they can’t live without my superior skills, bravery, and charm.”

“I certainly can’t.”

He kissed her again, dipped her back and kissed her so thoroughly she was panting for air when they broke apart.

They smiled at each other and started walking slowly up the street toward the guard station. “Did Ray cuss you out and demote you?”

“In a manner of speaking. I’ve been reassigned.”

“What does that mean?” She wanted Mason to have his career as she worked through school and figured out what she would do, but she didn’t want to live apart for another year and a half.

“It’s going to be the toughest duty I’ve had yet.”

Hopefully it wasn’t anything too dangerous. If her brother was using his rank to keep them apart, he would hear about it from her. “Don’t keep me in suspense.”

“Well, I’m in charge of guard duty … for one precocious, impulsive, gorgeous, mesmerizing princess who has been known to cause her guards gray hairs with her clever schemes.”

She stopped and turned to him. “You’re coming to America?”

“Yes, my Fearless Princess. Just try getting rid of me.”

She kissed him hard and fast. “Is that okay for you? It’s a demotion, isn’t it?”

“Not in my mind. I’ll be with you.” Mason swallowed and suddenly looked nervous. “I also pitched an idea to your dad that he wasn’t too thrilled about, but he said you could decide.”

“What’s that? My dad usually likes all my ideas.”

“This one was all me, beautiful princess.”

“Okay. Lay it on me. I’ll see if it has merit or we need to restructure. I can out-scheme anyone. Even you.”

“I must admit that I bow to your superior scheming. Wait until I tell our children that their mother choked me out to con me into kissing her the first time.”

She laughed, then froze. “Our children?”