“No!” Mason roared. He ripped Jeremy off of Kiera.

For a moment, Jeremy hung suspended in the air, shock and fear painted on his face. Then Mason body slammed him into the ground. Jeremy moaned and curled into a ball, air leaking out of him in a whine like a punctured volleyball.

“Take him to the guard station,” Mason commanded.

The other guards rushed forward, picked Jeremy up, and hauled him away.

Mason kneeled by her side, tenderly touching her face. “Kiera. Where are you hurt?”

She groaned and sat up, touching the back of her head. No blood. “I’m fine,” she snapped. “Why did you call and text a million times and come find me?”

Mason reared back, his blue eyes full of confusion. “Let’s get you back to the castle.” He stood and helped her up.

Kiera stretched and rolled her head, stretching her neck. “No. I escaped for a reason.”

“Escaped from who?”

“You,” she flung at him.

He swallowed and held her gaze. “I never wanted to hurt you. What have I done?”

“Maybe having a girlfriend and pretending you were interested in me.” She folded her arms across her chest, angry at herself for spitting that out.

Mason’s face softened. He reached for her, but she stepped back. His hand dropped to his side. “I don’t have a girlfriend, Kiera.”

“Does Dr. Miriam Cruz know that? Because I hear there will be an extra place set at the Christmas Eve table at the Henson home for the esteemed doctor to meet the illustrious, charming, and backstabbing Captain Henson’s family.”

She was revealing exactly how ticked off she was. She’d held it in earlier. The tears had come, but she’d focused on climbing and escaping and then the walk hadn’t taken near long enough before Jeremy had attacked her.

“Oh, Kiera. I apologize that you worried for one moment about Miriam. I went on two dates with her. We weren’t dating, but I said that to the general to prove I wouldn’t chase after you when I thought you were still a young college student.”

The Razor raced up to them again. Mason tilted his head in question. Kiera waved them away. “Thank you for coming, but we need a few minutes,” she said.

“Yes, Princess Kiera.”

“I’ll call when we need a ride,” Mason told them.

The men saluted and drove off.

“Why did Levi say you were taking her home for dinner?”

“I thought I should try to progress the relationship and confided in him. He asked me if she made me a better man, and I scoffed at him. I liked her and wanted to shut my brothers and sister up about the Serial Dater thing.” He looked her over. “Miriam is a smart, beautiful lady who I thought I could date seriously.”

Her stomach squirmed. He liked the doctor. She was smart and beautiful.

“But Kiera…” His voice was soft and husky as his gaze swept over her face. “After I spent ten minutes in your glorious presence, I knew you were my light. I realized no woman in the world could measure up to my Fearless Kiera.”

Kiera studied him. She believed him. Was she ready to soften? Could he ‘pursue’ her now, or was there still the garbage with her brother between them?

He edged closer. “Do you believe me? Do you have any idea how much I love you?”

“How much?” She swallowed, but her throat was dry and all she wanted was to be in his arms. His arms were the perfect spot for her.

“I love you so much that I just threatened to quit the military for you.” He took a step closer.

“That’s a lot,” she managed. Had he quit? Had Ray taken it that far?

“I love you so much that I faced down my king and my general, two of the men I respect most in this world. I told them I had to pursue you, that I couldn’t stay away from you, not even for an hour. I told them I would be true to you and protect, love, and cherish you for the rest of eternity.” He edged in closer, took off his gloves, and cupped her jawline with his warm palms.