Had Mason fallen for her, or had she pushed him and pushed him to flirt with her, kiss her, be with her? Had he been holding back because of his promise and a girlfriend? What she thought was a clever scheme to make him submit and kiss her now felt like she was some clumsy cavewoman, bashing a man over the head and dragging him to her cave.

Why had he said all those beautiful words and kissed her so enticingly then?

She was going to be sick. She looked around and saw Mason walking down the hall with Ray and her dad. Mason’s back was ramrod straight, and he did not look back.

She wanted to chase after them, talk to her dad and brother with Mason, present a united front like she’d said.

But Levi and Faith walked up to her, stealing her attention. She hugged Faith tightly. Then she turned to Levi and lowered her voice. “Does Mason have a girlfriend and he’s taking her home to meet his parents?”

Levi studied her, obviously guessing she was seconds away from breaking down. He finally nodded. “Dr. Miriam Cruz.”

Kiera swayed into Macey. Her sister-in-law put an arm around her waist. “Kiera’s exhausted,” Macey announced. “I’ll walk her up to her suite.”

“G-goodnight,” Kiera tried to say. She cleared her throat and then forced out. “Love you all.”

She heard many I love yous, some goodnights, and then somebody called out, “Sweet dreams.”

Kiera’s throat filled with raw emotion. She rushed for the stairs, pumping up them double time as the tears came. Sweet dreams. Not without Mason.

What was happening? She’d known the obstacle with him promising Ray not to pursue her would take some time and talking to overcome, but … a girlfriend? No way. He hadn’t breathed one word about a girlfriend.

Dr. Miriam Cruz.

It was a beautiful name, and she was a doctor. An accomplished, older, with-it lady. Kiera didn’t even have her bachelor's degree yet, let alone a doctorate.

A sob rose from her throat.

Macey ran up the stairs behind her. “Kiera,” she called, out of breath, “you’re faster than Chaz.”

Kiera almost smiled, thinking of Tristan’s five-year-old who adored her and could run faster than any of the little ones.

Finally, she made it to the fourth floor and sprinted down the hall to her suite.

“Let me stay with you,” Macey panted as she reached her door.

Kiera was already disappearing inside. “No. You’re right. I’m exhausted.”

“You’re also heartbroken.” Macey’s dark eyes were full of compassion.

“I’ll be fine. Love you.” Kiera shut the door on Macey’s protests.

She felt like a jerk of a sister, but she needed to be alone. She should collapse on her bed in tears, but she wasn’t a mope around and cry sort of girl. Maybe she could escape out of the castle like she used to.

Determination tightened her jaw. She had to be in control. If she could move and escape, do something, maybe she wouldn’t sob and feel sorry for herself.

Kiera changed into warm, waterproof Lady Fit winter running gear and found her Gecko gloves in a drawer. She put socks, slip-on shoes, a coat, a long rope, her cell phone, a water bottle, and some cash in a backpack. Walking to her balcony, she ignored the tears streaming down her face. If she didn’t think about Mason betraying her, it wouldn’t be true.

She didn’t know if he really had a girlfriend, couldn’t wrap her mind around the Mason she knew and loved playing her.

Yet he was a player. She’d heard that time and time again.

No! Levi and Macey could’ve gotten misinformation.

But most likely not.

All Kiera knew for certain was she wasn’t sitting around waiting for him to come find her.
