“Don’t call me that.” She pushed at his burly shoulder. “Let’s go. We’ll have to hire somebody to clean up Hope and Faith’s house.”

“Macey’s on it.”

“I’m not going to hug anyone without Mason by my side, though.”

Ray’s brows lifted. “Captain Henson and I will speak about that.”

“You are not leaving me out.”

Ray didn’t answer. He gestured for them to go in front of him.

Mason gave her a pleading look. Oh yeah, he was a manly man fighting his own battles. She smirked at him and gave him a look that said he should speak up. He smiled slightly at her and mouthed, “Timing.”

She smiled back, but she didn’t know if timing would help.

Kiera, Mason, Sarah, and Josiah slid into boots and coats and walked out into the cold night air, loading into the first helicopter with Ray and none other than Lieutenant General Chad flying it for them.

“Kiera!” He gave her a hug before they all strapped in. “Ah, Wild Child, the scrapes you get in.”

“She fought more bravely than anyone I’ve served with, sir,” Mason said, pride evident in his voice.

Chad looked at Mason and at their joined hands. He smiled. “Impressive.”

“How well I can fight?” Kiera asked sassily.

“How brave you two are.” He tilted his head to Ray, who was climbing in.

Kiera laughed at that, but Mason didn’t. That surprised and worried her. The flight back was full of sharing everything that had happened, teasing from Chad, stern questions from Ray, apologies from Sarah, and support from Mason.

Kiera had high hopes for their future together. Sure, he’d made a stupid promise to her brother, but they could work that out. Ray was serious, but he wasn’t her dictator, for heaven’s sakes.

They swooped into her valley at almost one a.m. The castle was all lit up. The feeling of coming home overwhelmed her, and she leaned into Mason’s shoulder. He was not hilarious and much stiffer with Ray watching them, but he did squeeze her hand and murmur, “Home.”

Yes. Home.

They landed on the helipad and hadn’t even opened the door when her family burst out of the closest castle entrance. Kiera smiled.

Mason helped her out of the helicopter, but then she was swarmed. Her dad and mum got first hugs, and she had to reassure her sweet mum that she was all right over and over again. Ray then ushered everyone back inside the castle.

Then she was mauled by her brothers and her sisters-in-law. The little ones were in bed, so she’d have to hug and love on them in the morning. She kept reiterating she didn’t want any of her nieces and nephews to know she’d been in danger. She hated the thought of them being traumatized and worried about her. Hope, Faith, and Levi were there as well. She was surrounded by so much love.

Everyone was kind to Sarah as well, and Mason stayed close by.

When Macey was hugging her for the second time, she whispered, “Ray’s crazy worried about you and Mason. He didn’t appreciate that I schemed with you to give you a chance with the Serial Dater.”

Kiera cringed at that title. “Not that Ray has any control over me, but I love him and he shouldn’t be worried,” Kiera whispered back. “Mason and I love each other.”

Macey startled and pulled back. “You know he has a girlfriend.”

“Excuse me?” Kiera glanced around for Mason. He’d been separated from her while she was focused on Macey.

He was talking to her dad, who looked unusually stern. Mason snuck a glance at her but focused back on her dad. He shifted uncomfortably. What was going on?

She looked at Macey. “He doesnothave a girlfriend. What are you talking about?”

“He told Ray two days ago that he would never fall for you, ever, and then reassured him he was dating someone. I asked Levi about it while we were waiting tonight. He said Mason is dating a doctor, Miriam … something, and he’s taking her home to meet his family for Christmas.”

Faith’s stomach pitched. No. No way was Mason two-timing her. He’d fallen for her. He told her he hadn’t realized she’d grown up; that was why he made that promise to Ray. When he’d seen her he stepped into the light. He’d said she was the sun. Right?