“I’ve searched the exterior, sir. They had a golf cart for a getaway.” Silva held up a key. “Lieutenant Mueller disposed of the only threat out there. Sorry we didn’t hear an opening to come intervene.”

“You did great. Thank you. Lieutenant Mueller, can you and Private Silva keep doing sweeps inside and out and make certain the property is secure?”

“Yes, sir.” They both saluted and hurried off. Mueller had cuffed the man on the floor, but he wasn’t stirring.

Mason only wanted to hold Kiera close, but he had to make certain she was safe. “Sergeant Naples, bring Sarah. Let’s guard them in the theater downstairs until the general arrives.”

The theater had no windows. If there were any more kidnappers lurking, they could defend the women in there. Mason almost smiled to himself. Kiera had done a fabulous job of helping with the defense and the offense.

Josiah nodded. He untied Sarah’s wrists, and Sarah grabbed the phone that was on the floor. Her brother was still on the line, in Sutton Smith’s ops’ hands as they took out the kidnappers in the house where he’d been a prisoner.

Kiera cuddled into Mason as he directed them all down the stairs and they listened to Sarah’s conversation with her brother. He wanted answers from Sarah, and he wanted to know Kiera was safe. Then he would talk to the general. He had to work things out so he could kiss Kiera without guilt, date her, and someday soon beg her to be with him forever.


Kiera couldn’t leavethe circle of Mason’s arms. She hoped she didn’t tremble visibly, but he probably felt it. The fear of Drake or Sarah being killed overwhelmed her. It threw her back to losing her mum and all the times her family had been threatened by the Rindlesbachers. She was glad she’d been able to keep her head and help somewhat in the fight. Mason had been magnificent.

As they waited in the downstairs theater, they had to say goodbye to Drake so he could speak with the police.

“I am so proud of you, Kiera,” Drake said. “You were so brave. You saved my life.”

“You saved mine! Drake, I’m so terribly sorry they hurt you to get to me.”

“That is on them, not you. I love you.”

“I love you too.” Kiera sniffled but couldn’t hide the tears pricking at her eyelids.

“I love you, sis,” Drake said.

“Love you too.” Sarah’s voice was a mixture of relief that he was okay and a despondency. Kiera feared she was blaming herself.

The call ended and there was quiet for a beat. Kiera didn’t know how to ask what Sarah’s part was in those kidnappers gaining access to the house. They’d obviously shut off the power, but how had they gotten past the guards and through the secure doors?

“I’m so sorry, Kiera,” Sarah said in a broken tone. “You and Drake were both so brave and I … I’m the worst person in the world, and this is all my fault.”

“Oh, Sarah.” Kiera forced herself to leave Mason’s arms. He gave her an encouraging nod. She hurried to her friend and kneeled in front of her as Sarah sat on the couch. She clasped both of her hands with her own. “This isnotyour fault. Evil people manipulated you. I know you love me and would never hurt me. They used Drake to get to both of us. I’d rather have Drake safe a million times over.”

Sarah stared at her, then she flung her arms around Kiera’s neck and sobbed. Kiera eased up onto the couch next to her and let her friend cling to her.

“You’re the most amazing friend and person in the world,” Sarah sobbed. “I love you so much and I’m so sorry.”

Kiera held her. “I know. I know you are.”

“How can you be so forgiving?”

Kiera held back her own tears and tried to explain, “I haven’t told you much about after my mum died when I was twelve and the continual nightmarish attacks by the Rindlesbachers for the next year and a half.” She looked at Mason. His blue eyes were concerned for her and full of the memories. He’d been part of the defense of her family at the time. She loved him even more for it. “Those people were so evil. They manipulated my parents’ closest friends, our prime minster and his wife. Henry and Leslie were like my adopted uncle and aunt and the Rindlesbaachers tricked them into inadvertently killing my mum and almost killing all of us. I know from personal experience how people can selfishly control and ruin lives. Like Drake said, it’s on them. This is not on your head.”

Sarah stared at her and hugged her tightly again, and then she dried her tears.

After a few beats, Mason asked, “Can you tell us what happened?”

Sarah looked from Mason to Josiah to Kiera. She nodded. “I got a text at lunch saying to quietly go to the bathroom or my brother would die. When I walked to the bathroom, I got a call from my mom about Drake disappearing. My mom was telling me what she knew when that man grabbed me and told me to say I’d call her back. Then he shoved me into the family bathroom and showed me Drake on a video chat—all tied up and bleeding. They said they’d kill him if I didn’t keep my mouth shut. Drake begged me not to listen, and they kept hitting him and cutting him.” She let out another cry.

Kiera was sick. They’d hurt Drake and devastated Sarah so they could kidnap Kiera and get a huge paycheck. She knew the guards surrounding her at all times were necessary, but it was awful to think her friends were in danger because of her royalty and her family’s money.

“They put a listening device in my bra.” Sarah squirmed as she said that.

“That’s why you covered it when we talked about Sutton Smith?” Mason asked. “Then headed to the bathroom while Kiera called Macey.”