“Mason,” Kiera begged.

With both Drake and Sarah being threatened and Kiera giving him a pleading look, he didn’t know how to refuse.

Kiera! She was the most fearless person he’d ever met, and he loved her. He could not allow this man to take her. There had to be a solution somewhere within reach that he could use to protect her.

Mason held his gun up and carefully set it down. Mueller followed his lead. It felt like he was just handing over Kiera.

No! He’d fight. Somehow. Once Drake and Sarah were safe.

Kiera had the man’s phone in her hand and watched the screen. They waited as the men in America cut Drake’s bonds and took the boy outside. Kiera gave a play-by-play as he and Mueller were far enough away that they couldn’t see the phone.

Mason hoped they would leave the kid alone, but feared they’d grab him again as soon as Kiera traded places with Sarah. She was a few feet away from the man and Sarah. He knew she planned to fight as soon as they made the exchange. She could easily get cut and killed, or the kidnapper could overpower her. Mason had to act in the crucial moment. His Ruger was at his feet. He could dive and shoot. As long as he didn’t hit Kiera. The shot had to be perfect.

“Drake,” Kiera said. “Take the phone and get away from that house.”

The men must’ve handed over the phone to the kid.

“Get away and then call the police,” she instructed.

“Okay.” There was a pause then. “I’m outside, but Kiera … don’t go with him,” Drake demanded into the phone.

Kiera looked at the man and Sarah. “Release her.”

“Get over here.”

Kiera slowly eased toward them, still clutching the phone. Sound erupted through its speakers. Drake cried out in surprise.

Kiera stopped and yelled, “What’s happening?”

“We’re with Sutton Smith,” a male voice said through the phone.

“Sutton Smith?” the man holding Sarah questioned. For the first time, fear showed on his face.

Mason dove, sweeping his gun off the ground.

Kiera hurled the phone at the man’s head and then leaped at him. The phone connected with his head, and he reared back. Kiera grabbed the hand holding the knife with both of hers and yanked it away from Sarah’s throat.

“Sarah, drop!” Mason commanded as he rolled to his feet, his pistol in hand.

She dropped to the floor. Thankfully, Kiera needed no instruction. She leaped, kicked both feet off the man’s chest, and hurled herself away from him.

Mason took the shot. He hit the man in the throat. The kidnapper flew backward and slammed into the hardwood floor.

Mueller ran to secure the kidnapper. Josiah hobbled into the room and headed for Sarah, Private Silva right behind him.

Mason holstered his gun and ran for Kiera. She’d landed on a leather couch and gracefully bounced up as if from a trampoline. She stuck the landing and threw her arms around Mason’s neck as he reached her. Her body shook against his. She’d been so brave; it was surprising to feel her tremble.

“All right then?” he asked, staring into her blue eyes.

Kiera didn’t answer. She drew in a steadying breath, and then she kissed him.

Mason couldn’t stop himself from responding. He was swept away by the love and depth of her kiss. He knew they were meant to be together. Now he had to carve a path.

He did keep his head slightly better than their first kiss, simply because of the danger that had been surrounding them and might still be. Her safety had to come first.

He broke the kiss and ushered her head to his chest, holding her close. She cuddled into him, clinging to his lower back.

“Silva?” he asked.