Had they taken Josiah out?

“What about Sarah?” Kiera asked.

“I assume she’s sleeping and safe in her room. We’ll check.” Mason looked her over. “You were incredible.”

“Well, if I can choke you out, I can whip a couple minions.” She grinned, relief rushing through her. They were safe. “Even one the size of King Kong.”

Mason chuckled but quickly got serious. “Cuff the other one. Let’s secure Kiera and Sarah in Sarah’s suite. You’ll stay with them. I’ll inform the general and get help coming, then Silva and I will find Naples and take out any more threats.”

“I’ve found Sarah for you,” a man’s voice floated up to them from the wide porch that ran behind the great room area.

Kiera rushed to the edge of the balcony, focusing down and to her left. The main patio light flicked on, lighting up the dark night. A man yanked Sarah where they could see her. She was bound and gagged.

“Sarah!” Kiera cried out.

Mason wrapped an arm around her to steady her. “What do you want?” he demanded of the man.

“Come downstairs and we’ll chat.” The man was dark, tall, and mean-looking, his face split from under his eye to his chin with a long scar.

“I’ll be right there,” Mason said evenly.

“Bring the princess and your large friend.” He pulled a knife out and pressed it against Sarah’s throat. Sarah’s eyes were full of terror. “This one dies the second I see you without Princess Kiera or the other guard.”

Kiera’s stomach turned over. She couldn’t let Sarah die. Turning, she hurried into the suite.

Mason caught up to her and grabbed her around the waist. “Kiera. Stay with Mueller.”

Mueller had flipped Leg Guy onto his stomach and was cuffing his hands behind his back. The man stirred but didn’t fight.

“No way.” She ripped free and ran for the bedroom door.

Mason and the lieutenant both caught up to her as she raced down the hallway.

A door pushed open, and a bloodied man staggered out. Kiera reared back.

“Naples!” Mason rushed to his side.

Josiah straightened, blood running down his face from his hairline. He brushed it away. “I’m fine, sir. A man jumped me in my room. He won’t bother us again. What can I do?”

Kiera watched as Mason looked Josiah over, gave a small nod as if clearing him to return to duty, then leaned in and spoke in low tones. “Call the general. A man has Sarah downstairs. They want the princess. Follow us quietly and look for an opportunity to take him by surprise.”

“Yes, sir.” Josiah pulled out his phone and stepped back into the room where he could follow the instructions without alerting the man holding Sarah captive.

Kiera hurried down the hallway.

Mason wrapped his arm around her waist before she hit the top stair. “I’m not letting you go,” he said, his blue eyes full of determination. “No one will hurt you, Kiera.”

She forced a smile. “I know, but Mace … they don’t know I can fight. Let’s use that.”

He blew out a breath, clearly ready to argue.

Sarah screamed, a blood-curdling scream that made the hair on the back of Kiera’s neck stand up. She wasn’t afraid for herself, but her friend …

Kiera flew down the stairs, Mason by her side and Mueller behind them. They sprinted through the entryway and stopped short in the huge great room area. The man had Sarah next to the open patio door, cold air seeping into the room. Sarah’s gag was gone, but her hands were tied behind her back. Kiera looked for blood or injury. Why had she screamed?

The man only smiled at them as they all slowed and then stopped twenty feet away.

“Kiera,” Sarah panted. “He has Drake. They’re killing him. Please. I’m so sorry. Don’t let them kill Drake!”