She begged heaven above for help. There had been numerous kidnapping attempts or attacks on her throughout the years, but nobody had actually gotten her in their arms and manhandled her.

Where was Mason? Her other guards? She prayed these men hadn’t hurt or killed them.

Fighting and kicking, she got a leg free and landed a solid hit to Leg Guy’s abdomen. He grunted but secured her legs again.

Footsteps sounded on the stairs. She tried to call out, praying it was Mason or one of her guards who could help her fight.

The men reversed and hurried back toward her room. The door was still open. They rushed through and closed it quietly behind them. They stayed close by the door, the men holding her so tightly she couldn’t budge, everyone seeming to listen to those footsteps. Kiera’s heart raced. She prayed for help and to know when to move. The footsteps approached and then stopped.

The door handle started to turn. Yes!

Leg Guy released her legs while Mouth Guy kept his hand clamped around her mouth and abdomen and dragged her toward the balcony. He was huge, his body towering over her and wrapping around her. She kicked at him, and he grunted. The bedroom door creaked open just as he released her mouth to fling the balcony door open, cold air piercing her.

“Lights!” she screamed to whoever was opening the door, praying the intruders had night vision goggles on.

“Kiera?” It was Mason’s voice.

Leg Guy slammed into Mason, and she could hear them punching and hitting against the wall.

The lights flipped on. Both attackers cursed and flipped goggles off their heads. Kiera’s arm was free. Holding nothing back, she slammed her fist into the nearest man’s throat. He gagged, released her completely, and shoved her out onto the balcony. The icy snow bit at her bare feet. She stumbled but remained upright.

The man came at her.

She leaped and kicked him in the temple, throwing him against the exterior door. Inside, Mason and Leg Guy were still battling it out.

Mouth Guy growled and rushed at her. The light from the suite behind him revealed he was twice her size and built like a tank like her brother Ray.

Kiera ran toward the suite railing, leaping onto it. It was a wide balustrade but slick, and this balcony jutted out over nothing. Almost five hundred meters to the valley below and certain death. She wasn’t afraid of heights, but one wrong step ….

Kiera was terrified and exhilarated. This was her childhood, defying death through boldness and agility.

The man skidded to a stop. “Don’t, princess. I need you alive.”

“Come get me, then.”

Grunting, he slowly advanced. The sounds of the battle inside were slowing. Kiera prayed Mason was winning.

Another step and Mouth Guy could reach for her.

Kiera sprang forward, tucked, and flipped over his head, landing behind him. He cried out in surprise and whirled to face her. She kicked him hard in the chest. He slid back and hit the icy balcony.


Mason rushed out the door and slammed into the guy, jabbing him in the face over and over again. The guy tried to fight back and landed a few hits, but Mason was glorious. In a few heartbeats, the guy slid to the snow-covered concrete.

“Princess Kiera?” a voice called from the bedroom.

She turned, fists raised and ready for another fight. Lieutenant Mueller was there, hurrying toward her. Leg Guy was sprawled on the floor in the bedroom, unconscious.

“You’re all right?” Lieutenant Mueller asked as he approached.

“Yes … Mason.” She pointed.

Lieutenant Mueller hurried to Mason and Mouth Guy. Mason yanked the guy to his feet, impressive with how large Mouth Guy was, and spun him around. Lieutenant Mueller yanked his hands back and cuffed him.

“Is the house secure?” Mason demanded.

“I don’t know, sir. I was patrolling outside and noticed the power was out, so I called you and Silva. I followed some tracks in the snow to the back patio. A man jumped me from behind. He’s dead. I got the power back on and started searching the house. No sign of Naples.”