“Like I said,” she purred in his ear, her grip so strong around his neck he was starting to see spots. “I didn’t promise not to pursue you.”

Thiswas pursuing him? What had Kiera learned in America? What was her plan here? He knew she’d never kill him, but she might knock him out.

“You’re not even going to fight me?” she asked, all innocence and sweetness in her voice, even as she choked him out. “All you have to do is submit, and I’ll let you go. Just a little tappy-tap on the arm, my tough protector, and a sweet kiss goodnight. On the lips this time. That’s all I ask.”

Fighting back was not an option—anything he did would hurt her, and he could never in this life hurt Kiera. But Mason could not bring himself to put up any resistance, not even tapping out. He wanted a sweet kiss on the lips goodnight, but he couldn’t give in. She had beaten him, pure and simple. It was enough to make him laugh, if he could draw the breath to do it. If Kiera wanted to make him sleep for a few seconds, she’d earned it, and honestly he didn’t mind. He’d never been choked out in such an enjoyable manner before.

He sank to his knees. Blackness edged around his vision. He was shocked and impressed that Kiera had the guts to do this to him.

“Goodnight,” she whispered, softly kissing his temple. “Sweet dreams.”

Mason felt himself slump to the side, and Kiera’s arms softened around his neck as the world went black.

* * *

Mason blinked his eyes open, laying on his back and staring up into the most beautiful face on earth. Kiera kneeled next to him, leaning down close enough he could smell her enticing scent and almost taste her fresh breath. He shouldn’t want to kiss her right now.

His head hurt and his throat was raw. As he drew in long breaths, his head calmed slightly.

Kiera had choked him out. He still couldn’t quite believe it. Someday he’d be laughing outrageously at this. Right now, he was a little foggy and a lot drawn to her.

“Forgive me,” she whispered, drawing the side of her bottom lip between her teeth. “Thought you’d tap out.”

Mason’s heart pounded out of control. What was she doing to him? How could he resist kissing her right now?

She bent closer, framed his face with her palms, and pressed her lips to his.

Mason knew he should do something, but his head was a bit cloudy and the instant their lips connected, the only lucid thought he had was that he’d found his version of paradise.

He lost his head completely. Everything in the world disappeared but Kiera. His arms came around her, and he didn’t know how he’d ever let her go.

This woman, this connection, this kiss … it was all that mattered to him.

Kiera was all he’d need for the rest of his life.


Kiera was in shock—thebest possible kind of shock. It had worked. Her crazy ploy to knock him out and take down his defenses had worked.

She forgot to gloat or think of her next plan as Mason returned her kiss. He wrapped her up tight, and she leaned into him. Their upper bodies connected, her hands weaving into his hair, his hands covering her back.

This kiss, this connection, was otherworldly. Kiera had always known Mason was the one for her, but she’d never imagined a kiss could be like this. She was floating on clouds, tingling all over, and warm from head to toe. She never, ever wanted to leave his arms.

They broke apart, both pulling in quick breaths.

Mason’s eyes widened. He sat straight up, bringing her with him, his arms still around her lower back and hers wrapped around his neck. “Kiera.” His voice was rough and full of desire.

Kiera smiled and moved to kiss him again.

“Kiera, you … I … please don’t do this to me. I can’t resist you.”

Their gazes locked in the dimly lit room, their breath intermingling.

“I’m sorry,” she felt she should say.

“No, you’re not.” He chuckled, which made her feel better.

“Well, I’m sorry that you didn’t tap out. I can’t be sorry about the results. That kiss …” She prayed they could do it all over again, but she’d likely have to knock him out and take him by surprise again.