Page 2 of Tangled Up

But as sexually frustrated as I am, I’m too shy to do any of those things.

It’s up to him to make the next move.

I can hear him making his way down the ladder now. I can tell he’s trying to be quiet about it, but you can only be so quiet doing something like that. Disappointment thrums in my chest, although I don’t know what I expected him to do. Smash the window and barge in and fuck me?

The thought is so ridiculous that a laugh bubbles out of me. Chase is undeniably a manly man, but he’s not a caveman.

I put on the clean clothes that I just pulled from my closet and towel off my hair. As I’m bringing my towel back into the bathroom to hang it up, I hear Chase’s footsteps on the other side of the wall.

It sounds like he’s going into his bedroom.

I quickly hang up my towel and return to my bedroom. Climbing onto my bed, I press an ear against the wall. I don’t hear anything at first, but then I catch a sound—a low groan.

Heat pulses between my legs as I ache to hear more. I have no doubt that he’s over there jacking off. I’ve heard that low groan countless times before. The first time I heard it, I jealously assumed that he was having sex with someone, but then it became obvious that he was alone. He’salwaysalone. Aside from his brothers or his parents stopping by, it’s always just him.

If only he knew that it didn’t have to be that way.

If only he’d ask, I’d be his.

* * *

Hours later, I wake up in the middle of the night to a different kind of sound—one that makes my chest tighten with worry. A cat is meowing outside. The poor thing sounds distressed.

Shaking off sleep, I slide out of bed, grab my phone, and groggily make my way downstairs. Fumbling with my shoes, I walk outside into the freezing cold night. Tiny snowflakes are falling silently through the air. It’s a beautiful sight, but I can’t admire it right now. Where is that poor cat?

Using the flashlight on my phone for light, I start searching the yard. The sound of the cat’s desperate meows guides me closer to it. At last, I see it: it’s a tabby cat. Oh, sweet thing. It’s tangled up in the string lights.

“Hi, sweetie,” I say softly, crouching down and cautiously making my way closer. “It’s okay. I’m here to help.”

The cat gives me a panicked look and hisses as I extend my hand. But then, seeing that I don’t mean any harm, it calms down. It lets me get closer, and I try to free it from the mess it’s gotten itself into.

I’m still struggling to free it when Chase’s footsteps come around the side of the house. A beam of light falls over me, and I look over my shoulder at him.

“This poor thing somehow got itself wrapped up in the lights,” I say.

“Shit,” Chase says and comes closer. “Here. You hold the light, and I’ll try to free it.”

I do as he says. It takes a minute, but Chase is able to figure out how to get the strings untangled. Amazingly, he also manages to grab the cat before it flees.

“It doesn’t have a collar,” he says. “I wonder if it’s a stray.”

My heart tugs. “We should bring it inside and make sure it’s okay.”

Chase nods and keeps a protective hold on the cat as we bring it into the house. Once we’re inside, Chase transfers the cat into my arms and tells me he’ll be right back. To my surprise but delight, the little creature stars purring in my arms.

I take a better look at the cat. It’s scruffy but cute. It definitely looks like a stray. And…oh, shit. It’s definitely pregnant.

“Uh…Chase?” I call out.

“Coming,” he calls back. He steps into the room a moment later with two small dishes in hand. “Here’s some milk and some canned tuna. I think it’s the only thing I have on hand that a cat could eat.”

“Chase, look.” I nod toward the cat’s belly.

“What?…Oh.” He blows some air out from his lips. “Huh.”

“How far along do you think it is?”

“No idea. But it looks ready to pop.”