Page 9 of Tangled Up

My cock pulses at her words. I squeeze her ass tighter, giving her more slow, powerful thrusts. As our mouths meet, the rhythm of my hips picks up. I fuck her faster, driving into her pussy with unapologetic demand.

“I’m going to come again,” she whimpers. “Come inside me, Chase. Make me yours.”

I curse under my breath as I feel myself near the edge of exploding. I dig my fingers into Lolly’s ass and she pants heavily as I pump up into her. A few seconds later, she cries out and her pussy pulses violently around my cock, triggering my own orgasm and milking out my cum.



It’s been half an hour since I woke up, and I haven’t been able to stop smiling. I’ve barely moved a muscle, either, because right now, life feels perfect exactly as it is. I’m snuggled up against Chase, and he’s sleeping soundly beside me, his broad chest slowly rising and falling with every breath.

We’ve basically been inseparable for the last three days. We’ve eaten all of our meals together, we’ve brushed our teeth standing side-by-side in the bathroom, we’ve taken showers together, we’ve talked about everything under the sun. In a way, it feels like we’re making up for all the time that we spent wanting each other from a distance. It’s funny, how much we have in common that we didn’t realize. But I also love that we’re such different people, too.

I wonder what our kids will be like.

I roll my eyes at myself for already thinking so far ahead into the future. Clearly the last few days have gotten me in a weird state of mind. I bet it’s just all the sex that’s making me think like that. I’m dick drunk or something. Isn’t that what it means? Maybe I’m getting it wrong. I should probably look that up…

I carefully roll onto my other side and reach for my phone. When I tap the screen, I see that I missed a text from Josie.

Josie: Hey. Are you okay? I’m starting to get a little worried.

Guiltily, I realize that I never responded to her previous text from a few days ago. Shit.

Me: I’m so sorry, Josie! Yes, I’m fine. I’ve just been preoccupied the last few days. I’m really sorry for not texting you back sooner.

Josie: No, it’s totally fine! Is everything ok?

Me: Yes. Everything’s great. You were right about Chase. Something did happen after we saw you that day.

Josie: Hahaha. NICE. I knew it. So that’s what you’ve been up to…

Me: I’m so embarrassed right now.

Josie: Don’t be! You certainly waited long enough for the right guy. How was it?

Me: Intense.

Josie: Good intense, or…?

Me: Yes. Very.

Josie: I’m thrilled for you :)

Me: Haha! Thanks. I have a question for you. Is it normal to feel really attached to the guy afterward?

Josie: I mean, it’s a special thing to share with someone.

Me: But what about fantasizing about the future? And thinking about marriage and kids and stuff?

Josie: Um…I mean…I don’t want to say it’s abnormal, but it’s definitely uncommon. Wait, are you saying you’re already thinking about those things with him??

Me: …yeah

Josie: Lolly!

Me: It’s not like I just met him!

Josie: I know! But you literally just started sleeping with him! Look, I don’t mean to put a damper on things. I think it’s sweet that you’re so smitten with him. But please, please don’t do anything crazy like elope with him. If you two are meant to be, you’ll end up together. There’s no reason to rush it.