Page 5 of Tangled Up

“It’d be perfect for that,” I say.

“Oh! Well, then yes, I know someone who it would be good for. A close friend of mine and her husband are looking for a new place to live. They have a six-week-old baby, and the apartment they’re in isn’t cutting it anymore.”

“I’d be happy to show the property to them.”

“That’d be amazing. Thanks, Chase. I’m excited to let them know.”

When I finish eating, Lolly offers me seconds, but as much as I want to take her up on that offer, I know I need to limit my time here. It’s too much of a tease, spending time with her like this. I’m starting to imagine too many unattainable things.

Lolly stacks our bowls and carries them over to her sink. I pick up our empty glasses and follow in her steps. I’m about to set the glasses on the counter when Lolly says, “You can put those over here in the sink. Thanks.”

I move closer to her and lower the glasses into the kitchen sink. Lolly is washing the bowls, a pair of cherry red dishwashing gloves on her hands. When she looks up and smiles at me, I can see the subtle flecks of amber in her brown eyes.

“Do you have time to stay for dessert?” she asks, her voice soft and sweet.

Then I know I’m really out of my mind, because all I can think about is her thick thighs and how badly I want to taste the honey between them.

“I need to get back,” I say hoarsely.

“Okay. I understand.”

“Maybe another time,” I say, baffled at myself even as I’m saying it. What am I doing? I can’t tempt myself again like this. It’s going to kill me.

“Sure. Sounds good,” says Lolly, still smiling at me. “Thanks for all the help today, Chase. It was super cool hanging out with you.”



Thanks for all the help today, Chase. It was super cool hanging out with you.

Ugh. I still can’t believe I said that to him yesterday. What am I, twelve years old? No wonder he didn’t make a move when he was here.

I drum my fingers on my hips as I debate what outfit to wear today. What do you wear when you’re spending more time with the man you have a major crush on? I guess it doesn’t matter. It’s not like a cute outfit is going to undo my awkwardness from yesterday.

I check the weather on my phone, see that there’s a good chance of snow, and opt for a plain but thick sweater from my closet. I put on some warm pants, too, and then grab my wool coat. Twinkle is curled up in her cat bed, so I don’t disturb her on my way out. As I pop over to Chase’s door, a few nervous butterflies flutter in my stomach.

Those butterflies multiply when he answers the door. Everything about the man standing in front of me makes me feel overrun with desire. It’s his height, his muscular build, his tousled hair, his magnetically blue eyes. It’s the way he’s close to his family, and the way he went through all that trouble for Twinkle yesterday. It makes me want to take care ofhim.

“Ready to go?” Chase asks. I nod. As we get into his truck, he asks, “You said your friend’s name is Josie, right?”

“Yep. Josie and Mark.” I glance over at him as he backs out of the driveway. “You don’t mind me tagging along, right?”

“Nope. It’s fine.”

We drive for a few minutes in silence. Then Chase asks, “How’s Twinkle doing?”

“Good. She’s made herself at home.”

“Glad to hear it.”

Is it just me, or is he acting a little weird? Compared to yesterday, he seems reserved. Was he that put off by my lame comment about it being super cool to hang out with him? Or maybe I did something else wrong?

“Oh, look. It’s starting to snow,” I say, pointing out a snowflake on the windshield.

But Chase doesn’t say anything.

With a heavy feeling in my chest, I stay quiet for the rest of the drive.