I stop talking, fuming at the memory.
“Go on,” Harv prods, “what happened?”
I huff out my frustration. “He informed Geordie that my only motivation for seeing him was to secure a place in Catriona's new restaurant row. Geordie didn't take it well.”
“So you're saying that we shouldn't bother? Geordie has already decided?”
I think about the last thing he said to me before I left him. He looked at me with hurt anger; it tore me apart that I did that to him.
“I'm not sure. Geordie told me before he threw me out of his apartment that he wouldn't retaliate for what I did. He's recusing himself from the selection process.”
Harv's face lights up with hope. “I don't get this. I was on the fence about Catriona, but now I'm all in. It looks like there's still a chance that we can get what you want. I'm sure Geordie is a man of his word and won't influence the committee. I say we turn in the application and roll the dice.”
Harv's always been a fighter. If he wasn't, we wouldn't have this restaurant. “Okay, let's do it.”
“I'll give the paperwork to Tina and let her fill out the application online.”
“Harv, there's one more thing, do you have plans this Sunday?”
“No, Marie and I are having a lazy day in. What's on your mind?”
“I'd like to invite you and Marie to my apartment this Sunday for brunch. It's a big ask because it's your day off, but I'd like to talk to you both. It will only be for a few hours. I've invited my friend Molly to the brunch as well.”
“Is everything okay?”
“Why do you say that?”
He folds his arms, giving me that father vibe. “Because any time a woman says we've got to talk, it can't be anything good.”
I chuckle. He's right. “I promise nothing is wrong. In fact, I have an announcement and I want you all there.”
His eyebrows are meeting his hairline again. “You're not going to give me a hint?”
“You know this is going to eat at me, and Marie will pester me with questions until Sunday.”
“I'm doing an English breakfast, your favorite. Concentrate on that until Sunday.”
He glances up at the clock on the wall. “I've got things to do before the crew arrives. At least the work will take my mind off your earth-shattering news.”
This is a perfect blue sky Sunday morning. The florist did special arrangements for the table on the balcony and inside the apartment. An English breakfast is the best choice for brunch; it means I won't be spending all my time in the kitchen.
I've put the last touches on the table when the doorbell sounds. I open the door to Harv and Marie. She throws her arms around me. “How are you doing? I was telling Harv the other day that it's been too long since I've seen you. Then, all of a sudden, out of the blue, we get this invitation to a wonderful brunch. How serendipitous.”
Marie moves past me, chiffon rustling, her steel-gray hair twisted into a chignon. Her refined elegance is a stark contrast to Harv's gruff, straight-to-the-point demeanor. He's besotted with her, and she dotes on him. It's probably the best example of opposites attract.
“How about a papaya spritzer?” trying to pique Maire's interest. “I know it's not traditional, but it's refreshing. If not, I have gin.”
Marie's red lips part into a smile. “When in Rome… in this case, England. I'll have a gin and tonic.”
I glance at Harv.
“Just the tonic is fine with me with a twist of lime.
When I return from the kitchen, they're sitting in the living room talking quietly. “Thank you, dear,” Marie says, taking her glass. Harv nods his thanks when he receives his beverage.
“I know we're waiting for your friend Molly, but we came early to speak with you. Harv tells me you and Stephen have stopped seeing each other. I didn't believe him when he told me, I thought—it doesn't matter. Is this true?”