Page 56 of Geordie

Kenzie gives him a playful elbow. “Geordie, have you met the president of my fan club?”

Lochlan just grins like a loon. “I think we better tell the hostess we're here, before she gives our table away,” he says.

The hostess seats us at an outdoor table with a view of the fountain. After a long boozy lunch recounting Kenzie's entry into our lives, we finally come to the end of the meal. “How long will the two of you be in town?”

Kenzie places her napkin on the table as part of the wait staff swoops in to take all of our dishes. “I have a break for about two weeks, then we're off to Spain.”

“Can I interest you in dessert?” the waiter offers to the table.

“We'll each have the Chocolate Morpheus,” Kenzie says before anyone can respond.

“Bring us a bottle of port as well,” Lochlan says.

“I'll bring you the menu.”

Lochlan raises his hand. “No need. Ask the sommelier to select the bottle.”

The waiter retreats.

Lochlan's fingers drum the table. “We've taken up enough time on nostalgia and about our lives. What's been happening with you?”

The fountain's cascading water catches my attention. I was enjoying this reprieve, but I can't live in a bubble. “Things have been going as planned until the accident. I'm almost done with my recovery...”

“About that,” Lochlan interrupts. “You never said how you were able to convalesce alone. Did you hire a nurse?”

“Ah, no. I met someone who helped me.”

Lochlan and Kenzie exchange a silent communication. “You have a new girlfriend?” A budding smile creeps across Kenzie's lips. “I'm so happy for you. Where did you meet her?”

“Why do you assume it's a female?”

They both look at me as if I've lost my senses.

“It's a feeling I have,” Kenzie grins.

I shake my head in surrender. There's no point hiding Lily. There was never anything between us. “Aye, it's a woman. I delivered wine to her restaurant, Dalliance; she's the chef.” I tell them the long story. Kenzie is captivated and sees a romance in every sentence. Lochlan has a darker take. “You say that Lily visited you in the hospital to apologize for her behavior, because she discovered who you were and has designs on opening a restaurant in Catriona? Is that the size of it?”

It's good to see that Lochlan has a protective nature, but sometimes he can go too far. “That was the case in the beginning, but that's not how it ended. She took care of me for those weeks and I'm grateful. That chapter is over. I want to talk to the both of you about my new plans.”

“Does it have something to do with business?” Lochlan asks.

“No. After my accident I had a lot of time to think, mostly about the years since we've come to America. I haven't thought about Scotland as home for a long time.”

The waiter arrives with three chocolate desserts. On the heel of the waiter is the sommelier, discussing the merits of the port he selected, as the waiter places a glass in front of each of us. He opens the wine and pours a sample for Lochlan. When he nods his approval, the sommelier pours for the rest of us, then takes his leave.

We toast to our reunion and praise the virtues of an excellent port for a few moments before digging into our decadent chocolate dessert.

“You were telling us about your new plans.” Kenzie scoops a spoonful of chocolate. “Let me guess. You've decided to buy a house.”

Lochlan tips his glass to Kenzie. “He's single. Why would he want a house?”

They're going back and forth arguing the merits of a house versus an apartment until they both agree that it would be a good investment.

“I'm not buying a house...”

“You've met someone, not this Lily,” she rushes over my explanation. “I think you're smitten by someone else.”

I let out a frustrated breath. I'd forgotten how the two of them can double-team me. “I've decided to start a family.”