“Geordie, what’s wrong?”
I’m taken aback by the urgency in her voice. I’m careful to adjust my leg, but it does no good. Pain shoots up and I take a sharp intake of breath. “Why do you think that?” I grit out.
“You wouldn’t call me unless something was very wrong. What happened?”
“Can you come to my apartment, lass? I’m in a state that I’m not able to get to my pain medication and I need it urgently.”
“Would you like me to call an ambulance?”
“No, if I thought an ambulance would help, I would’ve called them myself. I just need someone to fetch the pill for me. That’s all I need, nothing else.”
“I’m leaving now.”
“Wait,” I bark into the phone. “You don’t have a key and I’m not able to let you into the apartment. Go through the front of the building. The concierge is there. She’ll escort you to my apartment and open the door for you. I’ll call after you hang up to make the arrangements.”
“Geordie, do you need anything else? Is there anything I can bring you?”
I could get used to this concern, but I still have something she wants. I don’t put out any hope that this is any more than her helping me to get what she wants.
“No, Lily, I only need my pill. If you do this one favor for me, I’d greatly appreciate it.”
Chapter eighteen
Mission of Hope
Tinastaresatmewith an open mouth as I click off from my phone and shove it into my pocket. She studies the paperwork in front of her to mask her concern. “Is there a problem? I couldn't help but overhear that you were talking to Geordie MacTavish.”
I like Tina, but in my hurry to return Geordie's call, I'd forgotten she was here. No need to hide it, there's nothing to hide. I'm just helping a friend out. If he's calling me, it must be bad. I smile at my helpful office manager. “He just asked me to do a quick favor. I'm going to take a run over to his place. I'll be back soon.”
“I know we have a full house tonight. Would you like me to run the errand for you?”
For an instant I think about this, then dismiss it. “Thanks for the offer, but it's something I have to do.” I pull my jacket off the peg and shrug it on. “I'll be back as soon as possible.”
The kitchen is a beehive of activity, and only Harv glances over at me when I appear at the door. He immediately leans into Tony, who is working at his side. “Take over and make sure that salmon isn't overcooked. Tony nods without looking up, concentrating on the pan in front of him. Harv scans the kitchen like a good second, evaluating each member before he leaves, then joins me as I trek into the pantry. I'm filling an oversized cloth bag with provisions for a quick meal. Harv is leaning against the wall, arms folded, waiting for me to explain why I'm shopping. I look up after selecting a few mushrooms. “I just got a call from Geordie MacTavish. He needs me to come over to help him out.”
“If you haven't noticed, the house is full. We need every hand here, including yours. Besides, I thought he threw you out on your ear when you didn't tell him you were applying for Catriona.”
I hate it when he gets to the point, but he's right. It looks like I'm just trying to get back into his good graces, or a booty call. I'm not going to lie to myself; I need him if I want a spot in Catriona. What if the universe just gave me another chance? I won't screw this one up. “I think something happened, and he needs help. He wouldn't tell me over the phone, but he didn't sound good. I know the house is full, but you and the staff can do this blindfolded, with or without me. I wouldn't do this unless I thought it was important.”
He pushes away from the wall, giving a resigned sigh. “What are we looking at? Are you going to be gone a few hours or all night?”
I throw a few more items in the bag, then head for the fridge and drop a couple steaks in the bag. “I don't know. Harv, we're partners. If Marie needed you, I wouldn't hesitate to let you go.”
“You can't compare my wife of thirty years to a guy you just met a few weeks ago. Has something happened between the two of you and that's why this guy can call you at a moment's notice?”
Sounds like he's in dad mode. I know he loves me, and he doesn't want anything to happen to me. I step forward to touch his arm. “Nothing romantic has happened.” I use the old phrase for him. I can't say “hook-up” to Harv. “I'm okay. I'll call you and let you know what's going on.”
The concierge is a slender, youngish female with a white-blonde pixie bob that looks good on her. We fall into polite stranger chatter as we make the journey in the elevator to Geordie's floor. She mostly keeps her eyes forward and steals glances at me occasionally, wondering who I am, and probably what I have in my shopping bag. What explanation did Geordie give her, to let me into the apartment? More than likely, he just gave her instructions to let me in. No matter, she's escorting me without a barrage of questions.
When we leave the elevator, we walk down to the end of the hall. She extracts keys, then inserts one into the lock. It jangles while she twists it to the right, pulls the key out, and pushes the door open without stepping inside.
“Thank you,” I say, crossing the threshold. The apartment is silent as I enter. I turn and smile again at the concierge who’s eyes are full of questions. I whisper another thank you and close the door. I wait for a few moments to hear her footsteps going down the hall, then call out, “Geordie, where are you?”
“I'm in the bathroom. Come through the master bedroom.”
I move toward the sound of his voice, and for a moment I think that he's not in the bathroom, he's in his bedroom, stretched out on the bed, waiting. That's pretty cheesy. Someone like him doesn't have to trick women into his bed.