“My backyard is not a water park. Besides, this is what I wanted. The guys at the grill, us sunbathing by the pool–“
“And the kids running around like lunatics.”
“I wanted a party with no drama. Your parties are all about the drama.”
“What can I say? It's my trademark. You're happy, so I guess boring is good.”
“Exactly,” I sigh, crossing my legs and enjoying the sunshine on my face. “I want a fun, boring party. And—” I turn to her, “you're not going to drop another bombshell that you're pregnant again, are you?”
Molly grabs her sun cream and lathers it on her arm. “Eddie and I talked about a third child, but we haven't decided. Even if I was, and I'm not, you've got that cute munchkin who looks exactly like Geordie; you're in a different place.” She squeezes more cream on her arm. It's too much, and she's trying to rub the excess into her skin. “Ugh, there's something I want to tell you about Stephen. I don't want you to be blindsided.”
“No, Molly. Let's not do this. Whatever it is, I don't want to know.”
She ignores me and starts lathering her other arm. “The woman he's dating now, I think she's an heiress; anyway, they seem to be serious. I don't think he'll ever get over you, but he's trying.”
Stephen with another woman? I knew he was dating, but after all this time, it doesn't hurt to think of him with someone else. “You know I only want the best for him. No more thinking about what could have been. I'm only looking forward.” I glance over at Innis, who's playing with Molly's daughter, Gemma. The little girl has been a kind of older sister to her, and Connie is watching over them both. I don't know what our life would have been like if Connie hadn't been our surrogate; she's been a treasure. Connie made it possible for me to have a baby, but she's also teaching me how to be a mother.
“I'm going to relieve Connie; would you like something to drink? I can have one of the kids toddle it back to you.”
“No thanks, I'll get Eddie to bring me something.” She's waving at him like she's hailing a taxi. When I see Eddie trotting towards us, I make my exit.
Connie sits under an umbrella, guarding her creamy skin which has a smattering of freckles. She’s got on oversized dark glasses and a huge hat that dips low in the front. “Sorry, I've left you too long to watch Innis.”
She glances at the kids. My boys are having a water fight in the adult pool, while the girls and Jamie are splashing in the toddler pool. “Nonsense. There has been little to do since Emmy came to play; she's such a sweet little girl. The kids are happily occupied, and my boys are loving being in a real pool. How are you doing?”
“We should be eating in about fifteen minutes,” Geordie's voice bellows. “Get your bathroom visits and anything else you have to do done before we eat. I wait for no one once the meal is served.”
Connie and I giggle. “A man's need to organize the world,” she sighs.
I take the lounge chair next to her and we’re watching the children together. “I hate to ask, but would you and Dennis, and of course, the boys, take Innis for a few days?”
She smiles, probably wondering if I'm serious. “You know, I'd take any chance to be with her and the boys are ga-ga over her. So, the answer is yes.” She flicks her gaze over at the grill. “Is it time for a little alone time with your man—a little reconnect?”
I feel relief at her yes. Other than my mother, I can't leave Innis with anyone else. God, I'm lucky to have Connie. “Yeah, that's part of it, but I just got some wonderful news and I want to use it as an excuse to get away, to celebrate. I'm going to announce it after I blow out the candles on my cake. Everyone will hear this together.” I push back into the chair. “We've worked so hard to achieve this and it's finally here, well, at least the first step.”
“Is that Geordie's cousin?”
Walking through the sliding glass door are Lochlan and Kenzie.
“We met briefly when Geordie and I were dating, but he left an impression. Is that his girlfriend?”
I grin, remembering the rushed flight to Santa Barbara. “No, that's his wife. They just got married a few weeks ago.”
“Mind that you don't burn the food and the house with it.”
That criticism could only come from Lochlan. We embrace, me pounding at his back. “Good to see you, and congratulations. Where is your lady wife?”
“Kenzie is saying hello to the women; she wants to show off her ring.”
I pull a cold bottle of beer from the outdoor fridge. “Here, you'll need this to catch up.” He snatches the bottle from me and downs a few gulps. “You know everyone here.” He nods to each man. I chuck my chin to a corner where no one is loitering. “Excuse us, lads, while I speak to my cousin.”
“I thought we were eating soon,” Harv says with a grin. “By my reckoning, it's in ten minutes.”
“You're right, so have another drink, lads, and I officially put Harv in charge of the grill.” Eddie pulls a few bottles from the fridge, handing each man a fresh beer.
We walk to a spot out of earshot, but in view of everyone.