Page 118 of Geordie

We stroll into the middle of the dancers, and I slip into his embrace. We move to the slow, moody music that has me feeling nostalgic tonight. Entertaining as a couple with our friends around us… this feels like home. I look into his eyes and see the contentment and I know it’s real. With every step or stumble since we met, he’s proven himself. No more hesitation; I leave my doubts behind. I love this man who holds me in his arms.

“Happy, Leannan?”

“Hmmm,” I say and snuggle into his chest, “very happy.”

During a break in the music, people come to say goodbye. Geordie and I are thanking a stream of people for coming until Molly is the only one. She gives me air kisses. “I had a wonderful time. Eddie left to warm up the car. Can we talk before I leave?”

Geordie touches my back. “I’ll walk Lochlan and Kenzie out; take your time.”

I lead her to a corner where the cleaning crew has already straightened. Molly pulls at the shawl, trying to get it off her shoulders. I stop her. “Keep it; you can return it later.”

She nods, pulling it tighter around her frame. Now that she’s asked to talk, she seems reluctant. “I spoke with Stephen a few days ago. He wanted to pay for the party.” She laughs. “I told him it was inappropriate. He said he wanted to do something for your birthday.” She takes my hand. “I’ve gotten to know Geordie, and he’s a lovely man, but I can’t stop thinking of all the years you spent with Stephen. It’s not too late to go back to him.”

I don’t want to tell her about meeting Stephen today. I’m sure he will tell her when he’s ready. Molly is now our only connection. I’m glad she hasn’t lost his friendship because of me. “We’ve been over this,” I begin, appreciating her concern. Her pleas for me to go back to my ex don’t bother me like they did in the past. I must be moving on. “I’m with Geordie now.”

She squeezes my hand, a spark of excitement in her eyes. “I want you to be the first to know.” She places a hand over her belly. “I’m pregnant. I didn’t want you to be blindsided by the news; we’re going to announce it tomorrow.”

I should have known. The air kisses, keeping me at arm’s length, the new wardrobe of flowy dresses, her drinking fizzy water when we were planning the birthday party. “How far along are you?” I croak.

She glances down, her hand brushing over her belly. “I’m a week away from my second trimester.”

My eyes fill with tears. Losing my baby must have been a cautionary tale for her to wait this long to share the news with me or anyone else. Even now I can see this was a hard decision for her to tell me.

“A second child. I’m happy for you, Molly, you’re my best friend.” I throw my arms around her. “That was sweet of you to tell me first.”

She lets out a breath as I release her, and she’s smiling with big tears in her eyes. “Are you okay that I didn’t tell you when I found out?”

I put on my happy, excited face, although this tears me up inside. Molly’s only a few years younger than me, but she’s easily gotten pregnant twice. Going down that road will bring too much pain. She’s my friend. I love her but, fuck, it hurts. “Fine, no problem,” I say. “I understand why you waited.”

She glances at the door as she pushes to her feet. It’s a sudden movement, so I get to my feet too. I know this wasn’t easy for and now she’s desperate to get away.

“I’d better go before Eddie gets worried. We can talk tomorrow?”

“Yeah, no problem.”

She clasps my hand, the strength of her grip surprising. I know she’s worried about me; she remembers what I went through with the miscarriage. “Please don’t worry, Lily. This will happen soon for you. I see our children playing together.”

I nod, unable to respond. She releases my hand. I walk her out, standing at the threshold while she opens the car door and slips inside. She gives me a little wave before the car speeds down the street and is swallowed up by the night.

I close the door, my back against the frame, heart racing as I breathe in gobs of air. It feels like I’m having a heart attack, or is it a panic attack? “This is a sign, a freaking sign. There have been so many, I can’t ignore it any longer,” I mumble.

“Lily?” Geordie calls.

He appears in the foyer before I can answer, before I can hide my tears.

“Did something happen?”

I give him a tight smile, walking towards him. “It’s good news. Molly told me she’s pregnant again.” The shock on his face reflects how I feel. He takes a step toward me. “Are you alright?”

“Yes, I’m alright,” I snap, irritated. “Why wouldn’t I be alright? My best friend is having another child, when I haven’t managed to have my first.”

“Let’s talk about it. If not to me, call someone; I can see you’re upset.”

“I think talking is a great idea. First, I need to get out of these clothes.”

The guests are gone. The staging company’s trucks roared away about twenty minutes ago, but not before returning the house to its normal state. It’s a little disconcerting. This neat house looks as though there was never a birthday party here tonight.

I trail into our massive walk-in closet. Geordie leans against the door, watching me kick off my shoes, sending them flying to a corner. I fumble with the clasp of my necklace until Geordie releases me from the jeweled collar and eases the zip down at my back.