I look past Connie, surprised to see jealousy in Lily's dark eyes.
We stand in line, waiting our turn. Connie has her back to the counter, looking at our party. “I couldn't place Lily before, but now I remember her; she was the woman who was walking down the hallway when I was leaving your apartment, the evening we were discussing you hiring me as a surrogate.”
I'd forgotten they'd seen each other. Lily was angry when she thought I was with Connie while she was at work. “Aye, she was taking care of me after my accident. Did your surrogacy with the family you worked with go well?”
She turns to face me. “That's right, we haven't spoken since I gave you my decision. Funny thing, after all those years, the wife gets pregnant. I decided not to look for another couple just yet. How about you? Were you able to find someone to be your surrogate?”
It wouldn't be fair to tell her about the baby Lily carried and lost. “No, I haven't.” Again, how to explain my relationship with Lily? We get to the counter and place our order. I pay while they're filling the cups for our soft drinks, but we still have to wait for the food.
“You still want a child, right?” Connie asks, leaning against the counter, looking up at me. My ex-girlfriend hasn't changed. She's still bonnie with a wee streak of mothering that I needed when we met.
“I do. I'd like a family like yours, if possible.”
Connie scoops up the tray filled with drinks, while I grab the second tray piled with wings and fried tatties. We maneuver around people still in the line, and we're walking through the eating section when Connie slides into an empty table.
I’m not sure why, but I follow her lead and take the seat across from her. She glances at our party, then brings her attention back to me. “Dennis and I talked a lot about you and your wish to have a baby. I asked him if he was alright if I donated an egg to you. My husband is an extraordinary man. He didn't hesitate. He said it was up to me if I wanted to offer that gift to you and he would be fine no matter what I decided.” She pushes the drinks tray to the side, elbows on the table. “If you still want me to be your surrogate, I'm offering my services and an egg. You're a good man, Geordie. I trust you to raise our child. I can be involved a lot or a little as a co-parent.”
I sit back, overwhelmed by what she's offering. I glance at Lily, who's showing one of the boys how to score. “Thank you, Connie–”
She reaches out for my hand, interrupting me. I'm surprised how open she is to show support for me with her family near. Connie is genuinely a good person. That's why I felt her loss when she moved to New York. She squeezes my hand, her face serious. “Really, Geordie, I want to do this for you. You don't have to decide now. You have plenty of time. Let me know by the end of the year or sooner.”
Chapter fifty-three
Captain’s Pick
Geordieisquietduringthe ride back home. His gaze is on the road, but he’s answering my questions with his mind somewhere else. I didn’t remember who Connie was at first. The husband and two boys threw me off, but it hit me when she ran after Geordie to get the drinks. She’s the surrogate ex-girlfriend. I try again to engage him in real conversation.
“The bowling was fun tonight. That was sweet of you to offer our lane to Connie and her family.”
“Aye, we wouldn’t have been there for much longer. I’m sure their boys were looking forward to bowling; I didn’t want to disappoint them.”
I peer out the window, seeing nothing but dark shapes and streetlights. “What did you and Connie talk about when you were getting drinks?”
“She was talking about her work.”
The suspense is unbearable and his dodging my question is making me uncomfortable. “It must have impacted you, because you were different when you came back.”
He reaches out for my hand and gives it a squeeze. “Really, it’s nothing, Leannan.”
“Geordie, tell me what she said. I know she was the surrogate you were considering.”
He turns into the driveway; we wait as lights blink on and the garage door raises enough for the car to enter. I don’t wait for an answer after the car stops. I push open the car door, stomping inside the house.
He follows me in, stopping to place the keys on a hook inside the entryway. He finds me in the bedroom, turning on the outdoor lights to illuminate the courtyard. “Okay, Lily, I’ll tell you. Connie didn’t become a surrogate for the couple she chose over me. The wife got pregnant, and they didn’t need her services.”
My chest tightens at what this means for him. If he was that preoccupied with their conversation, then there’s something more. “What else did she say? Tell me everything.”
His eyes fill with pain as he moves closer. He probably knows his words will hurt me. “She offered to be my surrogate and she’ll donate an egg. She’s willing to co-parent with me.”
I step back. It feels as though someone has sucked the air from the room and I might die right here. “What? Did you agree?”
“No, I didn’t. She gave me until the end of the year to decide. She’s taking some time before she becomes a surrogate again.”
“Her husband, Dennis, he’s fine with this arrangement?”
“He’s fine with it. The decision to be a surrogate and to donate an egg is hers.”