Neo’s hands frame my hips, a warning because I know just as well as him that Nita comes and goes as she pleases. Nor is there any point in battling her. Even in the dungeon when I won her over, it was her Hydra heart that truly conquered mine, just as she conquers all…except the Father.

“I cannot call myself an ally, sweet Ezer if I do not do all I must to combat this Scourge. We all know it came from that underworld. And according to our last reports, Father is still there, forming his army to prepare it for the Centennial Eclipse for his final showdown with you. So, I have a feeling I may just run into him and this Scourge together.”

I lick my lips, understanding, but I already ache to lose her. Quillion may be a worthy balm—but nothing compared to…mysister. For that is who she is—the sister I never had and always wanted.

So, I stand from Neo’s chair. Nita rises, predicting my embrace so she may welcome it. “Now, don’t you start fussing, sweet girl. You know we have the ultimate faith in you.”

“I’m just going to miss you. All of you,” I say to Nita and her alters, but mostly to Kitty and Bryony since they’re the only ones I have met, though the infamous Tourmaline has been referenced a few times.

With her arms around me, Nita’s posture shifts, and I can’t help but spread my smile when I recognize Kitty’s hands settling at my waist right before she kisses my cheek and hisses in my ear, “When we get back, I expect to see more love bites on your Prince. He looks mighty fine with them.”

“I look mighty fine with anything, Kit,” adds Neo, standing to touch the small of my back and beaming at his sister’s echo. “And trust me, the next love bites shall be mine.” He grins, causing Kitty to fan herself.

I throw him a look, but the next thing I know, he’s hauled me closer, my back pressing to his chest. With one hand cradling my jaw, his other roams up to my chest to sweep my throat. He rouses heat between my legs when he purrs low, “Trust me, Elysia…when I bite you, I will leave love marks all over your skin. You will be proud to display them. And all will know you belong to the Prince of Destruction.”

Oh, Saints!

Kitty cuts through the tension perfectly. She’ll never stop trying to smack Neo’s behind, but he always masterfully captures her wrist, pecks her cheek, and prods her away so she pouts. Gold dust breeds on my skin, floating through my gown to spritz the air with the scent of spice and honey. I doubt I’ll ever stop loving the way he treats Nita and her alters, especially Kitty, though I suppose I don’t have much to judge on.

“So, do I get to do multiple twerks today to make up for lost time?” Kitty spins around and crouches, nudging her ass against my pelvis.

“One a day, Kitty,” I remind her and lean over to kiss her cheek, too.

“Your loss, angel.”

* * *

For the nextseveral days leading up to the harvest moon, Neo has become a paradox. No trace of the beast of blood lust that I beheld in the woods, in the grotto, and in those dungeons.

Every day, he joins me at the border, even if it still feels like one step forward and two steps back. After I heal all I can, he carries me back to our bedroom for more exploratory experiences. Yes, his appetite for “flesh-lust” as he dubbed it, has never been stronger. I still speak my safe word anytime that vamp-member nudges too close to my sex. Not that he’s minded. It seems…dominanceis a great form of arousal for Neo. One I much enjoy, considering how much my Halo exhausts me at the border all day.

Perhaps the most memorable night was when he bound me with his shades, stuffed my ears with them, and used a blindfold for sensory deprivation before sinking me into a bath of rose petals. Oh, I’d turned all the water gold that night.

“You look lovely,” comments Neo, mouth skimming my neck as he shadows us across the walls.

I smile fondly, considering the dark amaranthine fur-lined coat I’d selected today, patterned in Tenth Court rose designs and cut high at my waist to exhibit the black bodysuit underneath.

“I’ll look forward to removing that bodysuit later,” Neo hints, stirring the blood in my belly as we prepare to join Jesula.

Today, Neo sets me down at a different sector of the tent city, a sector on the far outskirts where the Prince doesn’t normally stray since it’s further from the Iron Walls. For the most part, Jesula tends to greet me near the balcony, but I haven’t seen her lately, as if she’s been getting out to the city earlier and earlier to help. I understand why since she’s the one who’s kept the most detailed records of all the separated families. Thanks to Neo’s order, the knights are still working to reunite them, and Neo placed my mentor and friend in charge. Her hands are fuller than ever since she’s preparing for the incoming cargo train, recent escapees from the Deep South, from Court Mordere.

When I find her today, a knight escorts her while she clutches a toddler to hand him back to his sobbing parents, overcome with joy at the reunion. As soon as she’s finished, she turns to where Neo and I stand in a gap due to the crowds parting in his wake. No knights escort us since Neo ordered them to transport any sick to the quarantined zones and reunite families. His shades and flames are escort enough.

Immediately, Jesula dashes to hug me, her braids like a beautiful black cat o’ nine tails swinging behind her. She feels hot to the touch, sweat-ridden. “I suppose all the border changes are your doing, Halo?” Jesula cups my cheeks but flicks a sharp gaze upon Neo.

“More of a team effort,” I acknowledge, granting credit to my husband.

Jesula shoves me aside and lurches for him, brandishing her taser. “I don’t care if you’re twelve forget-me-nots short of a bouquet, Prince, if you hurt my baby girl, I can guarantee you, balls will roll!”

Neo opens his mouth, no doubt to elicit a witty comeback, but he doesn’t get the chance. Not when he hones his vampire vision, judging by his pupils expanding. One second later, screams echo in the distance.

In one instant, all his muscles harden as horns, silver veins erupting over his flesh before he unleashes one mighty growl, “Mordere!”

I whip my head to the south where hoards of vampires attack the cargo train packed full of those escaped humans, refugees.

“No!” I shriek, but it’s too late.

In one indomitable move, the Prince grips me and Jesula by the waists and shadows us to the Iron Walls, deposits us there, and orders his knights to protect us. He kisses me once, breathes a low, seductive demand, “Stay here, Elysia. I will come back for what ismine,” and charges from the walls, wraith-shadowing into the air.