“He drained it…” Nita purrs, opening her lips to show her bloody fangs.

My anxiety grows to crawl along my skin because of the news Lux shared this morning. Because there is no way in hell he will supplement with her blood now. What does that mean for me? If my blood is the purest, would it be enough to sate him in one feeding? He’s only bitten me once…on Hallowtide, but he doesn’t remember. Back then, we didn’t speak about it, what it was like for him, even if I could see the rapturous expressions all over his face, felt it bathing our blood bond.

What does it all mean for hisfleshlust when I’d only received a sample of destructive power on our honeymoon in the grotto? I’d asked him to destroy me, but he’d given me venom, he’d numbed me. Will my Halo light be enough to meet him as an equal, to raise myself to his throne of Destruction?

I pale at the thought, feeling weak.

“Elysia.” Neo suddenly cups me by the waist, transferring me into his lap. I almost whimper against him, but he raises his hand to comb his fingers through my hair just as he used to. “I vowed to you that I would never raise my hand or whip to you again. I will not bite you without your consent either.”

Closing my eyes, I nod, trusting his word when his mouth presses to mine, curving my lips back, tongue sampling my sweet essence. But all I taste is blood.

* * *

“We shouldn’t wastetime with such flesh bags,” I overhear Rook Idrys, where he stands outside the coach when Neo arrives with me at the border.

Of course, the Rook is unaware that Neo is inside. A little prank of his, and the first I’m privy to and a willing participant. First, we linger so we may hear Idrys grumble to Quillion, who stands outside with Idrys. “Without a cure, this is a futile attempt, only delaying the inevitable. And the bodies are attracting more Chasm escapees. We should burn them all and be done with it, including the sick in the quarantined zone.”

A righteous fire races inside me, causing my Halo to spark with little flames budding on my skin. Neo suffuses them with his shadows and squeezes my hand.Fear not, my love. He can do nothing apart from my word.

Neo opens the carriage door and strolls out in all his Court finery, gripping the ends of his vast black robe and evacuating it from the coach in one fell swoop. His shades and flames tighten around Idrys, who bows low, uttering, “My lord Prince! I didn’t know you were—”

I simper as Neo extends a hand to me. Taking it willingly, I step out of the carriage beside him to hear him address the Rook, “I trust everything is being carried out according tomyword, Idrys.”

“Yes, my lord Prince. Just asyouinstructed.” Something in his tone when he emphasized the word is a dead giveaway that he believes I’m the one truly responsible, especially when his licentious gaze travels to my form, daring to cross the threshold of my neckline.

“Good. Now, after you raise your eyes from my wife’s bountiful breasts and respect her enough to look into her eyes, you will escort us to the quarantined zone where we may inspect the conditions of the people together.” Neo’s voice is undefeated, which launches a lightning live wire right into my sex to rouse the heat and churn warmth in my belly.

Dozens of knights stand at attention on all sides of us, prepared to guard us, but they are far more spectacle than anything, considering Neo could destroy every one of them. The Father’s beautiful Warhammer. And mine.

“Come, Elysia…you know how I appreciate making an entrance.”

Maintaining his grasp on my hand, Neo takes the lead in straying toward the balcony overlooking the Iron Walls, though he maintains a few purposeful steps in front of me. A deafening tidal wave of gasps and shouts and even screams from the crowds floods the air. My heart twinges.

I can only imagine their terror, their horror when they behold the Prince of Destruction at the border, where he rarely ever comes. I doubt any amount of time or favors could repair all the damage of the past.

Not one being is left standing by the time Neo tugs on my hand and urges me to join him, pressing a hand to the small of my back and coaxing me to the edge of the railing. My presence suffocates all the screams to murmurs. And finally—silence as Neo turns to face me, rubs his lips across my knuckles, and bows his head to me. Oh, Saints! Not to the waist, not to the hips, but a bow regardless!

“People of the Court O’ Nines!” Neo thunders to the spectators. “May I present Princess Elysia Rose, daughter of the Phoenix Queen, the Angel Bride, the bearer of the Halo, the Everblood: your salvation!” His eyes seize mine—a flaming silver storm—upon the granting of my titles, causing my lips to part, my jaw to drop. “Andmine…” he echoes from that night of Scheherazade. My heart leaps as he kisses me one more time before releasing my hand, raising me higher in a whole new way.

I can’t believe it, not even when all the people cheer and applaud. All I focus on is Neo and his dark energy unraveling around me. All this time, he’s believed I was an imposter and Lux, the true Halo-bearer.

Even as he gathers me in his arms and charges from the balcony so the wind whips through my curls, I wonder if it’s all a dream. The spectators scramble away from where Neo lands. I tremble in his arms from his body forming a small crater in the earth, but he keeps me safe and sheltered in his strength. His hands congregate on my cheeks, luring my face to his as he leans lower with his fingers sifting into my curls.

Kissing me strong and fierce, Neo proclaims through our bond,You harnessed my destruction last night, Elysia.

What?I ask, breathless to his mouth devouring mine, and somehow find the strength to grip his dark robe while his shades kiss my hand.

With deliberate focus, Neo’s tongue duels with mine, tasting that spice that I love.I would have destroyed the whole suite if it weren’t for you. I may have even destroyed my heart. Your power…it was my shield. You are my shield, Elysia.

The heart that belongs to Lux. In more ways now.

As if sensing my fear, Neo breaks from my swollen mouth to study my eyes, study that fear, and trace a finger around my mouth. Now that we’re closer than ever, I feel weaker and can’t seem to claw my way out from underneath her shadow or the memory of her lips on mine. Of knowing what will happen when Neo discovers her pregnancy. An ominous chill runs through me.

What I wouldn’t give for the kiss of frost along my spine.

Understanding my apprehension, Neo brushes his knuckles across my cheek to assuage my fears.Yes, Elysia, she is still my first wife and the rebirth of my heart. But perhaps, you are not the Scourge I was led to believe you were. Perhaps the Everblood is not here to destroy me after all.

I say nothing because nothing will stem the panic, the violent emotion from breeding within my core. If his faith in Lux is still this strong after everything that has happened, how else can I reach him? How else can I possiblytempthim?