“So am I,” he said dryly. “Since I know all the rules because I’m the one that made them.”

“Daddy, you didn’t make all the rules for Littles.”

“Nope. Just for you. And that one isn’t in there.”

She pouted. “But, Daddy, don’t you think it’s mean to punish me a week after I was naughty?”

“Normally, I would have punished you straight away,” he allowed. “But when we got home, you were excited to put up the tree. Then you weren’t feeling too well the next few days.”

Drat. She’d gotten a cold. She’d thought Duke’s head would explode. But she hadn’t gotten ill because she’d been cold getting the tree. That was just silly.

However, he’d coddled her as usual. Which she was not complaining about. But when she was sick, she didn’t get spanked.

However, that didn’t mean he forgot about any spankings she’d earned.

“I think I would like to add a statue of limitations rule to punishments.”

“I know you would. But it’s not happening. After your movie, you’re getting your butt spanked.” He got up. “Now, pancakes?”

“Yes, please, Daddy,” she grumbled.

As he walked into the kitchen, she looked down at Moody. “This is so not cool, Moody. What do you think we should do?”

Luckily for her, Moody had the perfect plan.

Such a clever monkey.

* * *

Duke walkedinto the living room carrying two plates of pancakes. He was actually somewhat upset with himself about bringing up punishing Sunny this morning. He could have let that one go. Sure, she’d scared the life out of him, but she hadn’t broken a serious rule.

And she’d been sick for days after. Trying to look after her and cover everything at work had been tough.

The truth was . . . he was fucking exhausted. But he just had to get through Christmas and New Year.

“What’s going on here?” he asked, setting the plates down on the coffee table, which had been pushed to one side.

It seemed his girl had worked quickly once he’d left. She’d drawn off all the sofa cushions to build the sides of her hut, along with some pillows from the beds. Then, she’d added a couple of blankets on top to form the roof.

“Sunny?” he queried as he crouched down to remove a corner of the blanket.

“You can’t see me! If I can’t see you, then you can’t see me. I am invisible!”

His eyebrows shot up. “Is that so?”


“And why are you invisible?”

“Because if you can’t see me, then you can’t spank my bottom.”

Ahh. Right. Duke sat on the floor next to her fort. “What if I said that I was rethinking the spanking and downgrading it to a stern scolding?”

She peeked her head out of the hut and glanced at him with wide eyes. “Daddy, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing is wrong. Why do you ask?”

“Because you’ve never once downgraded a spanking to a scolding or anything else.”