And he had some things he wanted to get for Christmas presents.

“I’m not. I’m fine.”

The Fox frowned. “I’m going to talk to Ink about your hours.”

“No, don’t! I’m going to be working fewer hours now.”

“Are you sure?”

No. But he’d have to try. The last thing he wanted was for the Fox and Ink to have a chat about him and his work.

Not. Happening.

“Yep. I should be working less soon.” Drat, he couldn’t cross his fingers where they wouldn’t see him. He needed a distraction.

“I don’t think you can claim that you got Duke and Sunny together, though, Papa,” Brody told him.

“No, and I’m still not sure he’s good enough for my sweet girl.”

No surprises there. The Fox was protective of Sunny. She was like his little sister. Which meant no man would be good enough. Although Duke was a really great guy.

“What movie have you chosen, Daddy?” Autumn asked.

“Hmm? Oh, The Grinch.”

The Grinch?

“He reminds me of someone, but I just can’t put my finger on who.”

“Really?” Autumn asked. “I don’t know anyone who hates Christmas.”

“I know who it is,” the Fox said as he started the movie.

“You do?” Brody asked.


“Duke?” Autumn asked. “How?”

“He’s The Grinch who stole Christmas because he refuses to come with us on a family vacation. He’s a Christmas hater.” The Fox shook his head. “I don’t know how my sweet girl can love a Christmas hater.”

Autumn opened her mouth, but Brody shook his head at her. It was better not to tackle that one.




“Ooh,I love The Grinch! Can I watch it this morning, Daddy?” Sunny was sitting on a fluffy blanket on the living room floor, dressed in her Alice in Wonderland pajamas. Moody, the monkey, was in her lap while Hatter lay beside her.

Duke glanced over from where he was sitting on the sofa. “The Grinch?”

“Uh-huh, it’s on this morning. Please?”

“Okay, Little Rebel.” Duke gave her a soft look, and she grinned back at him.

She loved their Saturday mornings together. Cartoons, pajamas, and playtime.