After cleaning up, Brody was moving slightly gingerly as he shuffled back into the living room.

Autumn was already sitting on one side of the Fox on the sofa. He glanced up, his gaze narrowing as he took Brody in.

“I think Brody-bear might need to sit on a cushion,” Autumn said. “Or an ice pack.”

“Did I hurt you?” the Fox asked.

“I’m fine. Really,” Brody insisted, as both gave him skeptical looks. “Just a bit stiff.”

“I want to check.” The Fox patted his lap.

“Um, what?”

“I said I want to check. Lay over my lap.”

“I don’t think I need to do that,” Brody said nervously.

“Bunny, will you go get the butt-numbing cream?” the Fox asked.

“Sure! Can I have some on my butt?” she asked.

“Why would you need any on your butt?” the Fox asked.

Autumn’s lip went out in a pout. “Because you spanked it, Daddy.”

“Yes, and you deserved that spanking. There’s no relief from a spanking when you’ve been naughty.”

“I think there should be a rule of no spanking at Christmas,” Autumn said.

“There’s another ten days until Christmas,” Brody pointed out.

“Technically. But really, the whole month of December is Christmas. In fact, any time after Halloween and before Valentine’s Day is Christmas.”

“So you’re saying you’d like to have a hundred and six days for Christmas?” the Fox drawled.

“It’s scary that you could just work that out in your head,” Brody told him.

“A hundred and six days sounds perfect.” Autumn climbed off the sofa. “So, can we agree to a hundred and six days of Christmas with no spankings, Daddy?”

“We cannot,” the Fox said. “But we could celebrate the twelve days of Christmas but with spankings instead of gifts. So, ‘on the first day of Christmas, my Daddy gave to me, twenty spanks with a birch.’”

“Daddy, no!” She gaped at him in horror.

“Then I think we better stick to one day of Christmas with spankings any time you earn it, huh?”

“Okay,” she said reluctantly. “But I want this to go down as a formal protest.”


“Daddy, sometimes you’re just no fun.” She stomped off, and the Fox gave Brody a confused look.

“I’m not sure what she’s talking about. I’m always fun. The life of the party. There is no party without the Fox. That’s what they all say.”

Brody bit his lip to hide his smile. “Right, Sir. That’s what they all say.”

“I thought so. Come here, Pup. Let me check on you.”

“I really am all right.”