“Those movies are not sad. They’re romantic.”

“They make you cry. That’s not acceptable.” He’d come home late the other night to find her crying while watching one of the movies. She couldn’t help it. But Duke hadn’t been very impressed. And he’d banned her from watching that movie again.

“No more sad movies. Which one was it last week? That one where the dog died?”

“Oh my God! Please don’t remind me. No movie should ever have a dog dying or a cat. Or any animal. Unless it’s one of those horror movies where there’s a killer chihuahua on the loose or something like that.”

“I think we’re safe since I’m pretty sure there are no movies with a killer chihuahua,” he said dryly.

“You think I’m being silly, don’t you?”

“Nope,” he told her firmly. “I think you’re my gorgeous, beautiful, sweet Sunny. And I wouldn’t have you any other way.”

Aww. Wasn’t he just the sweetest?

“Come on, Daddy! Let’s get this sucker in the truck and head home. We’ve got some decorating to do!”

She loved Christmas. It was the most magical time in the world when wishes really could come true.

And this year, she knew just which wish she would make.




“I thinkI’m going to become a matchmaker.”

Autumn glanced over at Brody to see his reaction to the Fox’s statement. The Fox was sitting in the middle of the sofa. His arms lay out across the top while she and Brody were curled into each side of him.

They’d just finished watching her favorite Christmas movie,Love Actually.

They’d each chosen a Christmas movie. First, they’d watched Brody’s pick.Home Alone.

Good choice.

The Fox’s movie was up next. Lord only knew what he’d choose. One thing she knew for sure, life with him wasn’t predictable. And it wasn’t boring. Sometimes, it was downright crazy.

But in the midst of it all, she and Brody were always . . . always safe.

And they were loved.

Sure, some people might think they were nuts. They lived with an assassin. A semi-retired assassin who decided several years ago to only choose jobs where he got to take out bad guys.

But still . . . there was no morally gray area with him. It was all kind of black.

However, she loved him. She loved Brody.

And they both loved her.

So screw what anyone else thought. This was her life. And she’d chosen to live it with the two men who meant everything to her.

“Um, what?” Brody sat up and adjusted his glasses as he stared at the Fox. As usual, his hair was messy, and he’d needed a haircut about six weeks ago. There was a stain on his T-shirt, which stated that: Nerds Do It Better.

They sure did.

The stain was probably butter from the popcorn he’d made earlier. Or it could be ketchup from when they’d had hot dogs for dinner.