He raised his eyebrows. “Were you not here just a few minutes ago? When you made me panic, thinking you were having an asthma attack or something?”

“But Daddy, you already spanked me for that. Were you not here a few minutes ago when you spanked my butt?”

“Someone is getting a bit too sassy for their panties.”

“Not me, Daddy! I am exactly the right amount of sassy for these panties.”

He shook his head, but she saw his lips twitch. She was sure of it.

“I did not spank your butt. I was getting the snow off it.”

“Then I hate to tell you this, Daddy. But you were doing it with far more enthusiasm than was strictly necessary.”

“Was I?” he murmured. “Well, you’re still getting an actual spanking when we get home. And if you keep complaining about that, then I have no issue with putting you over my knee in the back of my truck and smacking your bottom.”


She sighed. “Okay, Daddy. Can we go now?”

“We still haven’t discussed the rules,” he told her.

“What rules, Daddy? I don’t think there are any rules when looking for a Christmas tree. I don’t think there are rules when you go looking for a Christmas tree. Oh, unless you mean that one that says we must have fun. Yep, that’s a good rule, Daddy. We have to have tons of fun.” She started tugging his hand again. “Let’s go, Daddy.”

“That is not the rule I’m talking about, Little one,” he said sternly. “Rule number one, you must be no more than three feet away from me at all times; unless I say otherwise. You must always keep your gloves, scarf, and hat on at all times. You do not touch my axe. And no running. Am I understood?”

“I don’t get to touch your axe? That’s a shame.”

He looked confused for a moment, then shook his head with a slight grin. “My actual axe, you brat. Now, do you understand?”

Sunny sighed. “Yes, Daddy. I understand. Now, can we go find the most perfect Christmas tree in the world!” She sang the last few words and he gave her an indulgent look.

“Of course we can, Little Rebel.”

“Yay! This is going to be awesome.”

* * *

It was supposedto be awesome. Unfortunately, Daddy was being a big party pooper.

“Daddy, this is best tree ever.” She gestured toward the tree in front of them. And it was a beautiful tree, tall and thick. It would look amazing with her unicorn ornaments and pink tinsel on it.

“You said that about the last ten trees,” he replied dryly.

“Yes, and you wouldn’t let me have any of them, Daddy. Why are you being so mean?”

“Little one, this tree has got to be twelve feet tall. Do you know how tall our ceiling is?”

“Well, I’m hoping you are going to say fourteen feet?” she asked.

“Our ceiling is ten feet tall.”

Her shoulders slumped sadly. “So this lovely, beautiful tree wouldn’t fit?”

He shook his head. “I’m afraid not, Little Rebel.”

“I don’t think we’re ever gonna find the perfect tree, Daddy.” Her lower lip trembled sadly.

“Hey, look at me,” he urged.