The Fox grabbed the remotes. “Time to watch my favorite movie.”

“You never told us why you want to be a matchmaker, Daddy,” Autumn said.

“Simple,” the Fox replied. “I’m great at it.”

“Really?” Brody asked. “You’re good at it?” He wasn’t sure, but he figured that a matchmaker would have to have a good understanding of the human psyche. Perhaps even be empathic. Things that the Fox often wasn’t.

“Yes, look what I did with all the Iron Shadows men and their women. I totally matched them all up.”

Brody shared a look with Autumn. What was he talking about?

“What couples did you match up, Daddy?” Autumn asked.

“Ink and Betsy. Getting them together was all my idea.”

Hmm. It was?

“Millie and Spike. I gave her the money that sent her on the path to find out what happened to her sister.”

“That didn’t match her with Spike, though,” Brody pointed out.

“All right. Then you can’t deny I matched up Reyes and Emme.”

Sort of.

“I’ll give you that one,” Brody allowed.

“I think I should get some cards made up with my business details. Things like that.”

Autumn gave Brody a worried look. But Brody wasn’t really worried. The Fox often went off on these tangents.

“You’ve already got a full-time job, though, Daddy,” Autumn said.

“Taking care of you two?” the Fox asked. “Hmm. It is a fulltime job. But if I’m getting out of the killing business, I need some way to keep you two fed.”

“You have more money than a small country,” Brody replied. “Besides, I’m still working. I can support us if need be.”

The Fox frowned, and the mood in the room changed.


Autumn stared at him with wide eyes, shaking her head. Yep. He knew as soon as he said it that it had been the wrong thing to say.

The Fox grabbed him around the back of the head, turning his gaze to his. “You do not support us. That is my job.”

Sometimes, the Fox had very set ideas about things. Autumn had told him that it was because he was a badass assassin. Brody thought she might be right. But he also believed it was because of the way he was raised.

“I know,” he told the Fox. “And you do it really well.”

“Good. Just remember who is in charge, Pup.”

“I know it’s you, Papa.”

The Fox’s gaze lightened. “My baby boy.” He ran a finger over his cheek. “I think you’re working too hard.”


He’d hoped that they wouldn’t have noticed how tired he was. There was a lot going on at work at the moment. And that meant that he could put in plenty of overtime.