Sometimes, what they needed most was to have him reinforce rules and boundaries.

Which is what he was going to have to do with his Pup soon. He was running himself ragged. And for what? To help Ink?

Maybe he should just make him quit. Or tell him he wasn’t working anymore unless it was from home.

Hmm. Both were things to think about.

But not right now. Later.

Right now, he had a naughty Bunny to punish and a sexy Pup to fuck. He ran his hand down his Bunny’s ass again. Her cheeks clenched.

“Relax, Bunny.”

She groaned. “I think that’s impossible.”

“Do you trust me?”

Her breath hitched. “Yes.”

It was likely more than he deserved with the life he’d led. Then again, maybe this was his reward for the hell he’d lived through. Although the people he’d taken out had all deserved it.

Fuck. It was practically community service. He should get a reward.

His girl relaxed. Her trust in him was unconditional.

Something he would never fuck up.

Smack! Smack!

He slapped her left cheek, then her right. His hand left pink marks on her ass. Delicious.

Smack! Smack!

Right, then left.

He didn’t spank her too hard. Yeah, she’d made him worry that he’d said the wrong thing. But it wasn’t a serious issue. She’d been teasing him.

That was something that had taken some getting used to.

Teasing. Having fun. Laughter in his house.

For so long, all he’d had was coldness and dark. Now, he had so much warmth that he didn’t think he’d ever be cold again.

After his last spank landed, he bent to place kisses along his girl’s hot cheeks.


“Baby, I want you to lie down on the floor. Spread your legs wide.”

She let out a small groan, but he stepped back and helped her stand. Turning her, he placed a kiss on her nose, then her lips, before landing another smack on her ass.

“Get into position.”

“You’re so bossy, Daddy.”

“And you’re not in position, which makes me think that I didn’t spank you long enough. Or hard enough. I can certainly remedy that.”

“I’m getting into position, Daddy!”