Page 59 of Thresholds

"What about your field work?" Iasked.

"I have an expedition on my schedule for October," she said, "but nothing after that. I've passed several studies onto researchfellows."

"You'll go into withdrawal without field work," Isaid.

She turned her gaze to my shirt, shaking her head as she scowled at my buttons. "I would've agreed with that statement six months ago," she said. "But now? I'm not sure. I realized while I was in the Solomons that I've visited almost every corner of this planet. I've seen every extreme earth has to offer and—and I'm not sure I need continue seeking out those extremes. Not all the time. I have a lab and a data team now. I can devote more of my time writing and advocating for policy change. I want to give that atry."

"You've been thinking about this," I said. "You've worked it allout."

"Close to it." She shrugged. "I had to make sense of it for myself first. Before I met you, I never thought I was meant for marriage and kids. Never thought I could manage either. Never thought I wanted them. But now I know that I decide what I'm meant for, and I know you want us to start afamily—"

I grabbed the waist of her jeans and flipped the button open with my thumb while she yelped. "Say the word and I'll put a baby in your right now, darlin'," Igrowled.

"You heard what I said about waiting a year or two,right?"

"I did," I replied, stroking the tender skin below her bellybutton.

"Are you worried that you won't remember theprocess?"

"Bite your tongue," I said."No, Erin, I—" The words lodged in my throat. I always knew we'd find ourselves at this point. I knew we'd share a home, a name, a life. But that didn't make it any less remarkable when I realized we were already there. "I loveyou."

"I love you too," shereplied.

"Care to visit an on-call room with me?" I asked. "You'll really love me after ten minutes in a windowlessroom."

"As much as I appreciate that offer, I want to meet my niece," she said,laughing.

I didn't share an ounce of her humor. I was estimating the number of steps to the closest on-callroom.

"Stop growling at me," she said, swatting my arm. "I promise, this will work in your favor. Five minutes with that little munchkin and I'll be delirious with babyfever."

I kissed her hard, hard enough to leave her breathless. "I'm holding you to that," I said as I leaned back to adjust my cock. "Come on then. We have a baby tomeet."

Chapter Fifteen


"Annabelle,"I said as I arranged the toque on her head. "AnnabelleErin."

Will murmured in agreement and pressed his lips to the crown of my head. I was sure my hair was sweaty and gross, and I was also sure Will didn'tcare.

"Annabelle is just precious," Judy cooed from the other side of the room. She was digging through my bag for the muslin blanket I'dpacked.

"You're amazing," Will whispered. He brought his hand to rest on Annabelle's back. "I can't even comprehend your strength,Peanut."

Judy appeared at my side and tucked some loose strands over my ear. "What do you need, sweetheart? What can I do foryou?"

Tears filled my eyes when I realized Judy couldn't give me the one thing I needed. "I want my mom," I said through asob.

"I know," shesaid.

"It's not fair," Isaid.

"Not at all," she replied through her own tears. "I'm so sorry she's not here, sweetheart. She'd be proud of you, of the woman you've become. I know I'll never fill that void but I'm going to do the best I can foryou."

"I couldn't do this without you," I said. "Thank you for being here. Foreverything."

"It is my pleasure, Shannon," she said, thumbing tears off my cheeks. "I'll always be here for you. You're one of mine, and that's never going tochange."