Page 54 of Thresholds

Nick clapped me on the back. "I'm on it, Walsh. Don'tworry."

Shannon cried out and wrapped both hands around Will's arm. He ran his free hand down her back, whispering something I couldn't hear. Nick stepped away from us and edged around Andy as she cleaned up the broken bottle. He moved to Shannon's side, and rested one hand on her back and one on herbelly.

"That one was for real," she said, her cheeks flushed and breath comingfast.

"Yes, it was." Nick glanced at his watch. "We should go. I don't want you to progress muchfarther."

Andy dropped the shards into a paper bag, and in that moment, the clink and crunch of glass was the only sound in the kitchen. Then, everyone talked at once while I watched in stunnedsilence.

Judy: We need to get you out of those wet clothes,sweetheart.

Lauren: Where's the hospital bag? Nevermind, I'll find itmyself.

Will: Do you really think we have time for a wardrobe change,Judy?

Patrick: What is happening rightnow?

Shannon: I need the blanket. The little one with the purpleelephants.

The Commodore: I'll pull the cararound.

Erin: I'll find theelephants.

Alex: I'll give your doctor acall.

Tiel: I'll grab some towels. You can never have too many towels after your waterbreaks.

Patrick: No, really. What'shappening?

Sam: Is anyone getting a mop? Because…you know…someone should dothat.

Ellie: I'm taking Abby and Dave into the playroom. We're gonna learn some tunes and pretend everyone isn'tscreaming.

Will: I have to call Shaw. Where's myphone?

Nick: Would someone grab my medical kit out of thecar?

Patrick: Someone tell me what's goingon.

Shannon: It's in your motherfucking hand,Will.

Riley: Should we boil some water? Isn't that what you're supposed todo?

Erin: Purpleelephants!

Judy: I have a change ofclothes!

Alex: She doesn't need a cup of tea,babe.

Sam: I don't think we're paying enough attention to the mopsituation.

Patrick: So, it's happening right now?Nownow?

Riley: I'm pretty sure we're supposed to boilwater.

Lauren: Where do you think babies comes from,Patrick?

Erin: Let me take your bracelets and necklaces, Shannon. I'll put them upstairs. You don't need them getting in yourway.