Page 26 of Thresholds

"A lot has changed since I came here the first time," I said over the rim of my drink, "withyou."

"I haven't thought about that night in ages but I remember it like it was yesterday," Tiel said, awe ringing in her words. "It was so bizarre. Everything about it, totallybizarre."

"I wanted you that night," Iconfessed.

"You wanted to fuck me," she said, lifting her glass to her lips. "Bigdifference."

"Yeah, I wanted to fuck you," I said,laughing.

"You wanted to fuck everyone." She took a sip of her drink, her eyebrow arched in challenge just as it had been yearsago.

"Not after that night," I said. "Not once." Tiel glanced away, a slight grin tugging at her lips. I liked that. I wanted her to have all the victories and possessiveness in the world. I wanted her to feel like she'd won something special with me because that was how I felt about her. "I want you tonight,too."

"Yeah," she murmured, her body swaying with the pulsing music. "You mentioned something about thatearlier."

I plucked her drink from her fingertips and set it down. Then I leaned into her, pressing her back against the bar and dragging my knuckles along the line of her neck. "I spent the afternoon counting down the minutes until I could get you alone again," I whispered against her skin. "I'd been hoping Ellie would want some time with the baby tonight because, after that stunt in the lingerie shop, I've been dying to get my hands onyou."

"What stunt?" she asked, her brows quirking up as she reached under my suit coat and settled her hands on my waist. "I don't remember anystunts."

"No?" I asked as my lips met the tender skin near her ear. "How would you describe this afternoon'sevents?"

"I believe we bumped into each other while running errands," she said, a pulse of faux-indignation heavy in her words. "You invited yourself over, selected some unmentionables for me, and requested that I try them on. Then, you articulated the ways you'd ruin each item. It was exceptionallyrude."

"So rude," I agreed, taking her earlobe between my teeth. "But you were looking at naughty lingerie, my wife, and you wouldn't let me touch you. Can you blameme?"

She shook her head and ran her hands up my back. "I've never blamed you for being rude," she said. "But I will have a problem if you don't help me find a storage room or broom closet rightnow."

"Maybe we should just go home,"Tielsaid.

She was gnawing on her bottom lip and staring at the road ahead with doubtfuleyes.

"We're not going home," I snapped. "We're finding somewhere semi-private to get you naked and on my cock, and that's the end ofit."

"But we can do that at home," she argued. "That would save us time, actually. It doesn't make sense to keep popping into different bars at the off chance they'll have a dark corneravailable."

"I've never known you to choose the path of convention," Ireplied.

"It's like we're on sex pub crawl," she said. From the sound of it, she wasn't nearly as enthusiastic about this adventure as she was two hours ago. Admittedly, I was tired and frustrated but I was committed. "A wild sex goose chase. And for what? To remind ourselves we still know how to have a good time?" She turned, giving me anoh pleaseglare. "I can have a good time. Don't you doubt that. Just because I'm a mom now doesn't mean I'm not fun. I amtonsoffun."

I drummed my fingers against the steering wheel. It was all I could do because laughing was the wrong reaction. I knew thatmuch.

"Just pull over," she ordered, gesturing to the side of the road. We were in the middle of Cambridge, and as if street parking wasn't a big enough issue here, the sidewalks were packed with people heading home from bars and clubs. "We'll do it here. In thecar."

"We'll dowhatin thecar?"

"Sex," she replied as if it was completely obvious. "We'll have sex. Right here. This is fine. Just pullover."

"Yeah, that's not going to happen." I shook my head. "You're fun, you're sexy, you're fucking amazing. You're a wicked tease, too. Being those things doesn't require you to also get arrested for public indecency or lewd and lasciviousbehavior."

"But I love it when you're lewd," she purred. "Lascivious,too."

I came to a stop at a red light and glanced at my wife. Her smile was wide and bright, her eyes shining with excitement. "This rebellious streak of yours," I mused, tucking her hair over herear.

She edged her skirt up, teasing it higher on her thighs. "What aboutit?"

A montage of options passed through my mind until I felt her rebelliousness pulling me under, wrapping around me, throwing off the bow lines of comfort andcivility.

"You're sure about this?" I dropped my hand onto her stocking-clad thigh. "About me taking you in the car? Where anyone could walk by and see you begging forit?"