Page 13 of Thresholds

"Which problems? You didn't raise any issues in the meeting," Patrick said. "I want to know if there areissues."

I shook my head and waved him off. "Put your worry boner away,okay?"

"Charming," Sammurmured.

"Whatever you have on deck can wait a couple of days," Matt said. He zipped up his coat and stuck his hands in the pockets. "We have a table for four. It's the special beer, bourbon, and burgers menu, too. Yourfavorite."

"I know, I know. It's tempting." I dropped my outerwear onto a chair, officially signaling my decision to stay at the office. "I'm not feeling like bourbon thisafternoon."

Matt pointed at me. "That, gentlemen, is the look of a man freaking out about his first major gift to awoman."

Patrick rubbed his jaw as he stared at me. "Doesn't get any easier," hemurmured.

"Not at all," Mattagreed.

"You two are obviously incompetent," Sam said. "There is nothing easier than shopping forTiel."

"You are full of shit," Mattreplied.

"Completely full of shit," Patrickagreed.

"If it's so easy," Matt started, "what did you gether?"

Sam crossed his arms over his chest as he glowered at them. "I haven't selected anything yet but I have several ideas inmind."

"Likely story," Patrickreplied.

"Yeah, you're one merry band of motherfuckers," I said. "Maybe I'll catch up with youlater."

"Text me if you change your mind," Mattsaid.

They shuffled out, leaving me alone in Matt's office. With all of our support staff gone for the holiday, the building was as quiet as I'd ever heard it. Silence punctuated only by some incessant pen tapping replaced the constant hum of printers andcopiers.

I rounded the corner from Matt's office to Shannon's, and knocked on her open door. "Do you have aminute?"

She waved me in, nodding, as she scribbled a note on the margin of a contract. "Why aren't you out with theboys?"

With a dramatic sigh fitting of my current circumstances, I flopped into the wingback chair in front of her desk. "Shambles, Shannon.Shambles."

"I can't wait to hear this." She hit me with an arched eyebrow but returned to her contract. "Start at thebeginning."

"The boys are going shopping but I'm notallowedto shop. Alex and I decided we'd give each other homemade Christmas gifts," I said. "That would be fine if I could figure out what to giveher."

Shannon shuffled her papers into a file folder and tapped her pen on the desk's edge. "Aren't you supposed to be the creative onehere?"

"Why does that sound like an insult when you sayit?"

She shifted in her chair and twisted her ponytail around her fingers. "Don't make me throw things atyou."

I held up my hands, ready to block any projectiles coming my way. "Help me figure this out," I said. "I will do anything. Put me to work. I'll patch roofs and unclog drains. Fold laundry. Do your grocery shopping. Whatever you want. Just help me find a gift for Alex so I don't fuck everythingup."

"I want lunch," she said, her words coming out like a dare. "I need to eat every two hours or I getnauseous."

"And I'd be happy to buy you three or four lunches to prevent anything that might involve vomit," Ireplied.

"I have some errands to do," she continued. Anotherdare.

"I'll be your chauffeur." I dropped my hands and leaned forward. "Seriously, Shannon. Give me some ideas and I'll be your slave for the day. Pretend I'm Tom, but without the sexyturtleneck."