Page 98 of Fall

“Stop saying that!” she shouts and then takes a deep breath. “Caleb, you’re making a mistake. You want a break from me, fine. But don’t throw away our future over this girl just because she was your first.”

Elijah turns to Justin. “What’s the medical prognosis, doctor? I’m stuck between an Erotomanic Delusional disorder or a Grandiose Delusional disorder.”

Justin raises his hands, palms out. “Don’t pull me into this.”

Micah continues with his impersonation.

“The doctor has affirmed the hazardous, and potentially life-threatening, situation Caleb is in. Stay tuned after this commercial break to find out whether he gets bitten or is able to escape the clutches of this dangerous beast.”

“Are you going to make them stop talking about me like that?” Genna asks Caleb, clearly upset by the amateur comedians.

“This is their home, Genna. You’re the one intruding,” he replies.

She raises her chin and straightens her spine. “Do they talk toherlike that? Do you even know who she is?”

Genna glances around to the other guys in the room. “You are aware that she’s a convicted criminal, aren’t you? I would imagine that the council wouldn’t think too highly of your eagerness to provide her sanctuary when she spent years at a juvenile correctional facility for arson.”

I hold on to Celeste a little harder as the air rushes out of my lungs like I’ve been punched, and the room tilts as Genna continues.

“It was suspected that she committed that crime to cover up the murder of her sweet sister. I think her name was Ivy or something.”

At the mention of my sister, all I see is red. Taylor and Micah are immediately in front of me, blocking my ability to enter the foyer.

“Not here, Eves,” Taylor whispers. “Not here.”

I push against his chest, but he doesn’t budge. A second later, Micah leans forward, picks me up, and tosses me over his shoulder. He turns around so that my ass is greeting the people in the room.

“Imma take the girls upstairs. Let me know if you need anything,” he says and then carries me out.

I wriggle in his hold, but all that gains me is a stinging slap on my ass as he walks up the stairs.

“Ouch! Not funny, prick,” I shout.

Upside down, I adjust so that I can see Celeste walking up the steps with us. She looks upset, almost sad, while she fidgets with her fingers.

“What’s wrong, Cele?” I ask.

She slides her eyes to mine.

“Was she telling the truth?” She whispers. “Are all those things true?”

Micah turns around, knocking my head into the wall as he does.Prick.

“That was taken out of context, Celeste. More than that, it’s no one’s goddamn business,” Micah says.

Her eyes widen in fear. “I didn’t mean anything by it, Micah. I was just…” She trails off and then lowers her eyes to the floor, effectively avoiding my gaze.

We get to the landing and Micah turns in the wrong direction.

“Where are we going, Micah? I need to talk to Celeste.”

“You can talk to her tomorrow. Tonight, you’re staying with me.”

I smack his back and yell at him to put me down.

“Aim a little lower, Angel. You missed my ass.”

He carries me into his room and tosses me on his bed. I scurry off the bed and make a futile attempt for the door. Before I can get to the doorknob, Micah wraps his arms around my waist and tosses me on the bed again.