Page 36 of Fall

I debate for a full minute, hoping Cele accomplishes her goal for the both of us. Taylor groans in pain as I reluctantly climb into the passenger seat and secure my seat belt. He’s lucky Celeste is back there with him instead of me. I adjust my position to sit as close to the door as possible, as the smell of cloves and leather fills my nostrils.

God, I wish I was anywhere but here.

“Stalking me now?” I grumble, refusing to look at Caleb.

“Not even close. I was out with Taylor when he said he needed to make a quick stop. Had I known thatyouwere the quick stop, I wouldn’t have bothered.”

There’s laughter from Taylor. “Right. That’s the story we’re going with.”

Caleb looks in the rear-view mirror and narrows his eyes in warning.

I lean my head against the window, wishing I could punch Taylor and castrate Caleb.

“Do you even know how to tell the truth?” I ask, unsure of who I’m actually directing the question to. Right now, they’re both liars—either from omission or otherwise.

“That might be impossible, Evie. It’s what the Knights do, apparently. I mean, look at the conniving bitch he’s marrying. Like attracts like,” Celeste chimes in.

Out of my peripheral view, Caleb grabs the steering wheel tight enough to see the whites of his knuckles.

“It’s just a fucking promise ring. I didn’t ask her to marry me,” Caleb growls.

Celeste snorts. “Did you tell your mom that?”

The car swerves off the road momentarily.

“What the hell do you mean by that, Monroe?”

I look over my shoulder to see Celeste’s eyes glow with mischievous intent. I chance a glance at Taylor, who looks just as devious, but it doesn’t quite feel the same with his right hand protecting his family jewels.

“You should ask yourfiancée,Caleb. She was shopping for bridal dresses with your mom earlier. But then again, she was just here with Coach Metson too,” she says, exaggerating the word fiancé and batting her eyelashes.

I shake my head and go back to leaning it against the passenger window. She’s clearly enjoying this, so I’m certainly not going to stop her.

Caleb, on the other hand, is brooding with anger, which only makes me smile harder.

“What do you mean she was just here?” he questions.

“She means that had you shown up ten minutes sooner, you would have seen your fiancée leaving the restaurant,” I interject. “You’re not that dense, Caleb. I know you’ve got the intellect of an eighth grader, but I’m pretty sure you can follow the English language. You know, like ‘see Spot run’.”

I hadn’t meant to say that aloud, but my ability to remain silent is weak around him.

I’m going to have to work on that.

Taylor pops his head in between the front seats, interrupting whatever Caleb was going to say.

“So, Evie. When are we going to have another slumber party?”

The car swerves again, this time hard into the curb before Caleb straightens it out.

“Jesus Christ!” Celeste shouts. “Let Taylor drive! He can at least stay in between the fucking lines.”

Laughter erupts from Taylor, and he pats Caleb’s shoulder before leaning back into his seat.

Caleb side-eyes me.

“So you like slumber parties now?” he says and then points to my backpack with his chin. “What’d you buy?”

My head swings in his direction, completely thrown off by his question.