Page 26 of Fall

I shift my eyes just over his left shoulder and see Genna glaring at him before following his gaze to land on me. She narrows her eyes at me, which brings a smirk to my face. I raise my glass to her in salute before taking a drink and turn around.

Fuck them both.

I turn to my friends, only to see Taylor leaning against Celeste’s bar stool. From this angle, it looks like he’s situated semi in between her legs, but I can’t be sure.

They’re in some deep debate, and with the music being so loud, their heads being close is necessary, but something tells me that there’s more there than either of them are willing to admit.

I shout to Celeste that I’m going to the restroom, and when she offers to come, I decline her offer. They need their moment, and I need a break.

* * *

Itake a slow breath out and open my eyes to stare at myself in the bathroom mirror. I can hear my sister giggle in my ear at the sight of me all sweaty and looking every bit like the girls who roll out of the club at two a.m.

Wish you were here, sis.

I smile at myself and head back out to Celeste and Taylor. As soon as I crack the door open, I can hear heated voices coming from deeper in the hallway and I still. I switch the light off in hopes of not being seen, but before I can get my feet to move, one of the voices says my name.

“Evie isn’t the problem, Genna,” he growls out. “You are seriously wearing on my patience.”


“Could have fooled me by the way you were eye-fucking her earlier,” she snarls back.

That’s definitely Genna. Her airy, whiny voice is hard to miss.

“Again, wearing on my patience. Is there a reason you brought me here, or can we get back to the party?”

“She’s not one of us, Caleb. You’re all acting like she’s untouchable or some shit. The bitch got Micah shot. Not to mention, she has no class and doesn’t belong here in the first place.”

“You have no proof of what happened to Micah... What is it with you? Don’t you have enough to deal with without also worrying about one silly little girl? Justin says she gets immunity until Micah comes back, so that’s exactly what we’re going to do.”

Genna snorts. “Right, because he’s thinking clearly. You and I both know that he’s still messed up over what that slut did to him, even if he is back with Juliette. Everything was fine until Evie got here. She’s fucking toxic, Caleb.

“You’re acting like you actually have feelings for the slut who lied to you about being a virgin. And don’t look so shocked. There’s no other reason to keep her here unless you actually want her,” she says it all in a rush.

I can’t help but feel like I just got slapped.

He told her that?

I only get a moment of feeling betrayed when I hear a loud thud, like someone just punched the wall.

“You are to never, ever say those words again. Do you understand? I don’t give a fuck what relationship you may have with my mother. I am not her. I will fucking end you.”

The venom dripping in his voice is like poison in my veins. Did I just step into the twilight zone? Caleb fucking Astor defending me is certainly some cosmic joke.

Genna sniffles before she speaks again, her voice almost inaudible. “I love you, Caleb. Why are you treating me like I’m so insignificant?”

His booming laughter echoes against the walls. “Oh, that’s rich,” he ridicules. “You don’t love me, Genna. Stop lying to yourself. This is an arrangement, nothing more.”

She sobs out a gasp. “Is that all I am to you? An arrangement? Not an equal, not a partner?” She takes in a deep breath. “You’re drunk. I know you don’t mean that. Get your shit together, Caleb. Get rid of her, or I will.”

Footsteps start moving closer, so I inch the bathroom door almost shut to let them pass without being noticed. I watch her pass the bathroom, striding with the arrogance and poise of royalty.

Once they leave the hallway, I move to leave from my hidden spot, but stop when icy tingles dance down my spine. Through the crack in the door, I see Elijah come into view.

“Hey bro, can I talk to you?” he says to Caleb. He turns his head to Genna. “You can go.”

She rolls her eyes. “You really are an asshole. It’s no wonder Alexis left.” She turns to Caleb. “Don’t take too long, sweetheart.”