Page 133 of Fall

He sighs heavily. “I do believe you, Evelyn. But it doesn’t matter what I believe. I have to get you out of here before more people get hurt.”

“What?” I gasp.

Before I can continue, Dr. Weaver raises his hand to silence me. He’s about to speak when something catches his eye. He abruptly turns to the window and shakes his head. He taps on the privacy glass, but it doesn’t come down. He pushes the button for the window to drop, but it still doesn’t move.

He taps the glass forcefully. “Michael!” he yells. “Where are you going?”

Dr. Weaver’s head snaps to me, panic in his eyes.

“Dr. Weaver, what’s going on?”

He calms himself and straightens his jacket. “Nothing, sweetheart. I’m sure everything is fine.”

But the small beads of sweat forming on his brow tell me that’s not true at all. After riding in silence for about ten minutes, the car finally comes to a stop at the Union Point Lighthouse.

I try to open the door, but it won’t budge.What the hell?I push on the door again and nearly fall out as it’s being opened.

“Finally,” a man murmurs. “Hello, my pet.”

He grabs my arm to catch me before hitting the gravel. When I look up, it’s Professor Wessex’s beady little eyes staring back at me.

I wince as he squeezes my arm tighter and yanks me towards him, sniffing my hair, while Dr. Weaver scrambles to get out of the car.

“Michael, what is the meaning of this? You let her go this minute,” Weaver shouts. Something in the way Professor Wessex looks at Dr. Weaver makes him pause. “I thought…”

Professor Wessex sneers. “You thought what? We were friends?”

His beady eyes turn to slits as his smile grows wide, sending goosebumps down my neck.

“Dear, Charles. Dear, innocent, naive Charles,” he says, shaking his head and lifting a gun.

Dr. Weaver freezes. “What are you doing?”

“Come, let’s go inside and have a chat, shall we?”

Professor Wessex escorts Dr. Weaver into the abandoned plantation house, dragging me across the sparse lawn with him. Despite my best efforts, he’s much stronger than he appears, and I can’t reach my keys in my back pocket.

Once inside, he tosses a rope to Dr. Weaver.

“Tie her up on that pole over there,” he says. Then he turns to me, audibly smelling my hair again and subtly licking my ear. “Run, and I will shoot,” he whispers and tosses me to Dr. Weaver.

Dr. Weaver turns me, so that my back is against the pole, wraps my arms around it, and ties my wrists together.

“I’m so sorry, Evelyn. I’ll get you out of this,” he promises and turns around.

Professor Wessex momentarily disappears into the abandoned kitchen and comes back with a glass and bottle of liquor. He raises both in our direction.

“It’s time to celebrate. You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this. She’s no Isabel, but damn the resemblance is striking. Don’t you think, Charles?”

Isabel?What does my mother have to do with this?

He points the gun at Weaver, motioning for him to sit on a vacant metal chair, and continues.

“That idiot Stephen screwed up last year. But I suppose I should thank him for not killing you, even though I never did get a refund. Guess I wasn’t specific enough for him. They always seem to find a loophole in their favor.” His eyes glow in my direction. “This is going to be so much better.”

He punches Dr. Weaver in the face with joy.

“Damn, it feels good to finally do that.” He chuckles, shaking out his hand.