His words are barely a whisper. He kisses my forehead and walks away while I struggle to focus on reality, leaning against a parked car. The earth tilts on a different axis and my legs feel like jelly.
My sister was pregnant.
* * *
“Come on, babygirl,” Caleb says, lifting me off the asphalt and carrying me through the rain.
I hear voices but can’t tell who they are or what they’re saying, and quite frankly, I don’t care. My eyelids are heavy, my face is sore, and I can’t seem to catch my breath. I lean my head against the muscular pillow of Caleb’s chest and let my eyes close.
The next time I open them I’m sitting on top of a… toilet? Celeste is busying around me with a washcloth and soap. My eyes squint in confusion.
Celeste coddles me. “All right, Evie. Time to get you washed up.”
“Huh?” I murmur.
She grabs my hand and walks me into the shower. She rolls up her sleeves and begins to wash me. My eyes follow her hands, and the washcloth turns red.
“What is that?” I ask.
She looks up at me with worry.
“The blood?” she questions.
I can’t seem to find any more words, so I move my head and watch the water stream out of the nozzle. I look at it curiously.This doesn’t look like my bathroom.
I close my eyes and stand under the water, wondering why I can’t feel it.What the hell is happening to me?
When my eyes open again, it’s to the sound of curtains being pulled apart.
“Time to get up, Evie,” Celeste sings.
I stretch on the bed, feeling rested and alive. I sit up, rub my neck, and observe my surroundings. I’ve never seen this room before, but the sheets are clean and there’s a small suitcase by the door.
“Cele, where are we?”
“Glacier Ridge, sweetheart.”
I nod my head, trying to remember how I got here and let out an audible sigh.
“How long have I been asleep?” I question, pulling the covers off and getting out of bed.
She tilts her head and fidgets with her fingers.
“About a day.”
“Well, damn. No wonder I’m sore. I guess I really needed sleep.”
She looks at me with sad eyes, then shakes her head and plasters a smile on her face.
“Come on. Let’s get you some coffee.” She grabs my hand and leads me to the kitchen.
As soon as I walk into the familiar room, the events from the last two days come crashing down in random order. Coming to Glacier Ridge… Caleb carrying me through the rain… Celeste taking care of me… sex with Elijah… fight with Elijah…
I stumble back against the wall.My sister was pregnant.
“Hey, Angel. Are you okay?” Micah says, walking into the kitchen and eying me closely. Caleb and Taylor are right behind him.
I straighten my shoulders and rapidly blink my eyes, clearing away the memories. I don’t—I can’t—fall apart here. Suppression is my answer for the time being.