Page 110 of Fall

“Shit, you’re already here.”

I raise both my eyebrows, tilt my head, and nod slowly. “Yea. You wanna tell me why we’re here?”

His face immediately falls, and then he angrily turns to Taylor. “This is your fault. You should have stayed. I could have gotten them.”

Taylor shakes his head. “She wouldn’t have come if you went.”

I roll my eyes and take a seat at the dining table, resting my chin on my palm. I hate when they talk about me like I’m not in the room.

Celeste and I sit for a few minutes, watching them frantically attempt to clean up the place. I glance towards the entrance and see Elijah leaning against the wall, shaking his head in disgust.

“Am I the only one with balls in this house?” he mumbles to himself.

I raise an eyebrow. “You say that as if balls are actually strong.”

He shifts his eyes to mine. “My balls are made of steel and can’t be swayed by pussy.”

“Or they haven’t dropped yet.” I wink. “Maybe you’re just a late bloomer.”

He pushes off the wall. “Why can’t you just go away?”

I flail both my hands and point to the two guys still arguing by the stove. “Ask them! I’ve tried.”

A few minutes later, Micah comes waltzing in like he’s on top of the world with a small package in his hands. Caleb raises his head and eyes the package suspiciously.

“We agreed to not buy her anything.” He scowls at his brother.

The corners of Micah’s lips turn up as he looks around the destroyed kitchen, but he wisely remains silent.

I pinch the bridge of my nose and then rub at my forehead.

“Can someone—anyone—explain to me what the hell is going on?”

It’s Taylor who speaks first. “This wassupposedto be a surprise Valentine’s dinner, but douche canoe over here doesn’t know how to cook.”

He points at Caleb, who looks downright offended.

“I told you I don’t know how to cook.”

Taylor snaps his head, and using his best Caleb impersonation, says, “No. You said, ‘I know my way around the kitchen, how hard can it be?’.”

They continue to bicker. It feels like someone is scraping nails across a chalkboard.

“Hey, Lucy and Ethel, can you give it a rest?” Celeste finally snaps. “Seeing that Micah is the only one who brought a gift, I want to see what it is.”

“Oh, right, this.” Micah focuses on the package, looking a little sheepish. “I didn’t actually get this for you. I found it on my way in.”

He hands me a small padded envelope with my name written on it. I flip the package over and back again. There’s no return address, no stamp—nothing but my name in a familiar handwriting.

I look around the room and they all appear to be just as clueless as I am, making my stomach start to tingle. This doesn’t feel right. I put the package down on the table and stare at it for a minute.

“Are you gonna open it?” Micah’s eyebrows squish together in confusion.

“No. I’ll open it later.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, just open it,” Taylor says, and I want to kill him.

My intuition is telling me to do anything but open it. Everyone in the room looks at me expectantly, but I can’t get my arms to move.