Page 74 of Fall

Me:I’m on my way to kill you.

Micah:Death by kitty cat? Sign me up!

I curse at my phone and storm to the parking lot in search of his car.

“What the hell are you doing, Evelyn?” I question myself out loud.

Last night should not have happened. Micah and I… My body tingles, remembering the orgasms, the way his eyes looked when I rode his face…


I shake the thoughts and press the fob at the sea of expensive cars. I need to meet with him to let him know that what we did cannot happen again; that what we did was a mistake. My inner voice giggles at my lie, but I ignore her and follow the sound of the beeping car.

I stand with my jaw hanging open when I get to the car. Micah didn’t give me the keys to one of the frat cars. He gave me the keys to his Bugatti Divo. No wonder Caleb was surprised when he saw the keys in my hand.

The car is trimmed in an aqua teal color against matte black. It’s sleek, beautiful, and dangerous as hell. There’s a second Bugatti parked right next to it, but that one is fire red and black. There is no doubt in my mind that it belongs to Caleb.

Boys and their cars.

I get behind the wheel, enjoying the feeling of the soft leather inside my palms. It’s not that I’m some luxury car whore, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like this car. I smile in the rear-view mirror, feeling dangerous and sexy and in control.


Once I get downtown, my speed slows to a turtle’s pace with everyone out and about. I make a left turn to head towards The Brewery and come to a complete stop—thanks to traffic—when I spot Micah on the sidewalk.

I roll the window down to get his attention when I notice a black-on-black Cadillac Escalade coming from the opposite direction, and the bottom of my stomach churns with unease.

Jesus. Paranoid much?

Ignoring my intuition, my eyes glide back to Micah, and I watch him open a door to the local smoke shop for an elderly woman to enter. He smiles warmly at her as she pats his arm in thanks. He’s always been partial to the elderly, so I’m glad to see that some things—some good things—haven’t changed.

Micah turns his head in my direction, and even from here, I can see the spark in his eyes. I bite my lip to keep from smiling like a silly ass schoolgirl when the Escalade cuts off my view. My anxiety increases when they don’t move.

I can hear the murmur of commotion but can’t see what’s happening. I try to look through the Escalade’s windows, but the tint is nearly as black as the body. The SUV’s tires squeal as it makes an illegal U-turn and passes right by me.

My head snaps to where Micah was standing, but he’s not there and I go cold. My body pushes down all of my panic and floods my system with adrenaline. I start honking my horn, pushing my foot on the gas, trying to get people to get the hell out of my way.

The Escalade is only a few cars ahead of me, but it’s gaining distance. I watch it make a left turn toward the shipping district that’s just outside of downtown.

My gut is yelling at me to call someone, but who? I’m not dumb enough to think I’m some superhero, but who can I trust? I can’t call the cops. For all I know, it could be the cops who took him. I connect my phone to the car and call Taylor, but the asshole doesn’t pick up. I try again but still nothing.

I breathe through my nose to calm my mind.

Think, Evelyn.

Caleb’s burning eyes from earlier this morning immediately pop into my head. He may hate me, but he loves Micah. I press the call button again on the dashboard in hope that Micah was thoughtful enough to program Caleb’s number into my phone. After all, he did store his own number in it.

“Call Caleb,” I speak out loud, and to my relief, the car responds. It takes two agonizingly long rings before Caleb picks up.

“You better not be calling to tell me that you’re going to miss our meeting,” Caleb snaps.

“Caleb, Micah is in trouble,” I shout.

“What the fuck did you do?” he snaps.

I ignore his attitude and keep my eyes on the Escalade that keeps getting farther away from me. I don’t have time for this.

“I’m following a black Escalade. They pulled him off the street.”