Page 132 of Fall

Genna walks by me with a spiteful smirk. “Finally taking out the trash,” she whispers.

“Predator animals are patient, Genna. Don’t slip… I will catch you,” I whisper back.

When she gets into view of the other officers, she starts her mournful act as the paramedics wheel Dr. Lewis on a stretcher.

But there’s nothing that I can do. I’m guided through the walk of shame, and I’m thankful that it’s spring break. The officers roughly throw me into the backseat of their cruiser and I watch Stratham University fade as they drive away.

* * *

“Hawton,” the officer who arrested me shouts through the metal bars.

My head snaps up and I look around at the few people in the holding cell with me.Did he just say my name?

Two street walkers, a homeless man, and a young girl, who looks like she’s coming down from a trip that went sideways, all look at me.

“Hawton,” the officer yells again. “Get your ass up.”

One of the prostitutes—smelling like three days’ worth of clubbing with no shower—leans over and says.

“I’m thinking he means you.”

My feet hit the ground unsteadily as I stand.

“Where am I going?” I ask.

He tilts his head with a snark look on his face. “The rich have decided to give you charity, again. You’ve been bailed.”

My eyebrows knit together. Up until this point, I was having a hard sense of deja vu. The difference? There was no one to bail me out five years ago. But I haven’t had my one phone call yet, so I’m not sure how anyone found me.

I straighten my spine as the officer opens the gate. Guess I’ll find out soon enough. No need to stay in this shit hole any longer.

When I walk past the guard, he whispers in my ear. “You sure you have nothing to say before you go? Perhaps with a little incentive, I can have the DA go easier on you since the doc isn’t dead yet.”

I give him my best death stare.

“Sure, I have one word for you. Lawyer,” I say, articulating each syllable of the word. “Do you need me to spell it for you?”

He grips on my arm, forcibly pushing me forward. “Bratty ass kid.”

With him at my back, I smirk. Dumb ass cop. Who the hell is stupid enough to talk to cops these days?

We get to the precinct entrance, and I stumble.

“Dr. Weaver?” Awe and shock evident in my voice.

“Yes, yes. Come along now.” He rapidly waves his hand, summoning me to him. His eyes bounce around the room and his face is grim. I snatch my belongings from an officer behind a desk and hurry towards him.

Once we’re outside, he grumbles incoherently, and I pause.

“You bailed me out? Why?”

He nods his head but says nothing as he pushes me into the back seat of a black sedan. To my surprise, he follows in after me and closes the door.

“Evelyn, we need to talk about your attendance at Stratham.” He pulls out his handkerchief to wipe down his spectacles.

The car lurches forward, forcing me back in my seat. After sliding through some turns, I gain my balance and turn to face Dr. Weaver, pleading my case.

“I’m being set up. I didn’t hurt Dr. Lewis. You have to believe me.”