Page 58 of Cover Me Up

Heat flooded Millie. It scorched a path from her chest to all of her limbs. The throb between her legs pulsed with an intensity that made her groan, and before she could stop herself, she moved forward, slid her hand up the side of his face and her mouth across his.

At first, the kiss was hesitant, as if he were having doubts, but that fire in Millie burned too hot and impatient. She led the way, her tongue sliding into his mouth and attacking him with a passion that left her head spinning.

“Mills,” Cal whispered. He kissed her back, moving closer yet, his hands in her hair, holding her prisoner as he made her world rock and spin and…

She broke away and, chest heaving, stared up at the man she loved with all her heart. It was the booze that gave her the courage. The booze that made her go against every instinct she had.

“Come inside,” she said, breathlessly. To hell with the consequences. She didn’t want to think about being smart or protecting her heart.

Long moments passed as the two of them stared at each other without saying a word. Then Cal jumped out of the truck, opened her door, and held her hand as he led her up the walk. Her coat was forgotten, but her body was on fire, so there was no need.

Wordlessly, he unlocked the house and, once inside, shed his boots while she clumsily got out of hers. The room was draped in shadow, which lent an air of taboo, and that made her heart ramp up to the point all she heard was thumping. It was a mantra that sang,I want this man. Her chest rose and fell rapidly as she turned toward the hall that led to her bedroom.

Cal followed, and once there, she tried to get out of her clothes, but tripped on something. A hiss and meow told her that something was Mr. Higgins. Off balance, with her shirt halfway off, tangled up in her arms, she stubbed her toe and swore, and would have banged her head off the side of her dresser except Cal caught her.

He chuckled, his breath warm against her neck. “Good thing I’m here.”

Cal helped her out of her top, then she yanked down her jeans and stepped out of them, leaving only a lacy bra and thong. She had to put her hand on his chest to steady herself and then reached for him, hungry for another kiss.

Which he obliged. Boy, did he ever.

The kiss was toe-curling. Soft and hard and so thorough, the room spun. His hands kept her upright, which was a miracle because her legs were wet noodles. When she finally came up for air, she was in his arms, and he carried her to the bed. Cal pulled back the covers and gently deposited her there, dropping a kiss to her forehead.

He ran his hands through her hair, pillowing it around her head, and then slid his mouth across hers, a gentle swipe that left her trembling. “I have to go, Mills.”

She shook her head and grabbed him, deepening the kiss, wanting so much more. He felt like heaven. Like the top of the mountain in heaven, the one filled with unicorns and rainbows and sparkles.And fire.She growled against him, trying her best to pull him onto the bed, but he gently pulled away and took a step back. Head spinning, Millie looked up at him in confusion.

“You’re drunk, Millie. We can’t.”

“I want to.”

“So do I,” he replied, eyes intense. “You have no idea. But not like this. We’ll talk tomorrow, okay? Mike Paul is here to take me out to the ranch. I’ll leave your truck keys on the table in the kitchen and lock up.”

Then he was gone, and for a few seconds, Millie couldn’t believe he’d left her there. Alone. On fire. Wanting him so bad, her entire body ached. Restlessly, she turned over and closed her eyes, then groaned because the bed spun. Shewasdrunk. After a few seconds, the bed stopped spinning, and she giggled. Cal was right.

He’d hardly had to try, and he’d kissed her out of her pants.


It wasnoon when a grumpy and hungover Millie Sue stumbled out of her bedroom. Hair all over the place, still wearing only a bra and thong, she headed straight for the coffee machine and leaned against the counter, head bent until the darn machine spewed forth enough strong java to kickstart a person’s heart.

Once she took a few sips and the caffeine took hold, she cracked her neck and stared out the windows into a brilliant, sunny day. It was too nice out there. Totally did not fit her mood.

Her mind rolled back as pieces of the night before clicked into place, and she groaned. What the hell had she done? Practically thrown herself at Cal. He must think she was an idiot. Cold. Hot. Cold. Hot.HOT.She pushed him away on one hand, while grabbing hold of him with the other.

Mr. Higgins meowed and brushed up against her legs, purring so loud, she had to give him a scratch or two. The cat headbutted her kneecap, and Millie sank to the floor, balancing her coffee mug, while the feline began to knead her lap. She didn’t want to think about the night before, so instead, she closed her eyes and willed her body to relax.

By the time her coffee was done, she was cold, and the willing of the body wasn’t working anymore. Shivering, she jumped in the shower, hoping the heat would wipe away her guilt and embarrassment—it didn’t—and boy, was she in a mood by the time she was dressed. It was nearly two in the afternoon, and she needed to leave in an hour for the bar. With the Sundowner being closed Friday, they’d be busy, and she had a lot to do before the evening rush. She left her hair towel dried, uncaring that it waved wildly down her back. The skin under her eyes looked bruised, so Millie took some extra care and applied concealer, then ran some mascara over her lashes. A bit of blush on her pale cheeks and clear gloss was all she could muster.

She was popping aspirin like it was candy when there was a knock at the door. She barely had a chance to dry swallow when Mike Paul let himself in and shook snow from his boots.

“You’re alive,” he said, taking off his coat and boots. He walked over and gave her a hug before pouring himself a cup of coffee. “This is terrible,” he said, making a face.

“It’s nearly two hours old.”

He got busy making himself a fresh pot while she contemplated the idea of having food on a stomach that wasn’t exactly happy about it. She was still staring into the cupboard when he sat down at her island.

“I gotta talk to you about something.”