With no choice but to follow the woman up the grand staircase to the upper level, Elise tried her best not to gawk at the huge family portraits that hung on the walls. She was led to a room at the end of the hall, one that was large and sported a big four-poster bed of dark cherry and a sitting area with a fireplace. The woman, who introduced herself as Mrs. Dalewood, opened a door that led to a spacious and modern bathroom.
“Draw yourself a bath, and I’ll leave fresh towels and some clothes on the bed. I’ll bring up a tray with hot tea and biscuits.”
Teeth still chattering, Elise complied. She was exhausted after the trip from Belize and tried not to think of making a return flight to the US in the morning. She soaked her cold body for a good half an hour, and, with her hair up in a towel, slipped into a thick, plush bathrobe the color of sage.
She dried her hair with the towel and had just hung it back over the tub in the bathroom when Mrs. Dalewood knocked and let herself into the room.
“Here you go, miss.” She set down a tray on the table near the fireplace, which someone had lit while Elise was in the shower. Then she poured a cup of tea and waited for Elise to sit down before handing it to her. “Best be careful, it’s hot.”
“Thank you,” Elise murmured. She took a sip and attempted a smile. “You’re probably wondering who I am.”
“I’m guessing a friend of Lincoln’s.”
“I hope we’re still friends,” she slowly replied. “Where is he? London?”
“I don’t rightly know. He comes and goes, and Lord knows that boy hasn’t been any good at keeping to schedules of dinnertime and such since he was a lad of twelve. He’s been gone since yesterday, but I suppose he’ll show up sooner or later. But enough about our Link. You look exhausted and need to get some rest, or that chill will take hold. An English cold is a nasty thing, mark my words.”
Mrs. Dalewood left, and Elise finished every bite of food on her plate. The fire was warm, and the bed looked too inviting to ignore. She decided not to think about the sad state of her life or that this crazy trip that had been for nothing. She’d deal with it later.
Elise crawled into bed and sank beneath the covers.
She was asleep exactly two minutes after her head hit the pillow.