Page 47 of Step-Santa

And the world is brighter. Because she’s mine, and she always will be.



Epilogue 1 -One month later

Papa turns to me,and for the first time I remember there are tears in his eyes. The reindeer barn has been opened up, allowing guests to sit under the white gazebo out in the pasture to watch, warmed by strategically placed pot-bellied heaters. There is a comforting scent of wood smoke all around us, and the sound of reindeer shifting in their stalls, except Leonardo.

Because he’s standing by my side, and I swear he’s grinning.

“Carina…” Papa draws a quick breath, clearing his throat as his nervous hand barely holds onto the page of notes. “I swear to stand by you, now and always. We will share in each other’s joy and I will comfort you in sorrow. I will dance with you, every day, under the sun or under the stars, and help you realize your dreams as I share in your ambitions. You’re everything to me. My heart, my future, my…”

He shakes his head, looking down and wiping at his eyes.

I step forward. I can’t help it.

I know I’m not supposed to, but I can’t watch him cry and do nothing, even for the sake of our wedding. I take him in my arms and pull myself in close, and his instincts kick in.

Without hesitation, he enfolds me in an embrace, pulling my face into his chest and kissing the top of my head. I feel a poke from down below and grin despite myself.

“I’m sorry,” he says, and I try to tell him he doesn’t need to apologize, but he isn’t finished. “You’re just so fucking beautiful in that dress. I want to tear it off you and fuck you in the reindeer stalls.”

A wave of laughter and whispers ripples through the crowd, those closest telling the guests farther away what just he said. My cheeks are on fire because now that’s all I can think about.

I turn to the officiant as he holds back a laugh.

“Let’s get the short version.” I whisper, desperate to get rid of the guests and have the reindeer barn to ourselves. “Please?”

Lucy catches my eye, her arm linked with Sully’s, as Don Pugliesi steps forward, trying to get the right set of rings from the correct pocket so that we can hurry through the ceremony and get to the kissing… and more…

Because we’ve got two weddings going on here and this is only the first.

The officiant, thankfully, manages to regain his composure and continue with admirable professionalism. Gennero finishes his vows, I make mine, Lucy and Sully make theirs, and Don Pugliesi doesn’t mix up the rings.

Time rushes by, and before I know it, I’m being pulled into a deep kiss that promises so much for the future, both distant and immediate.

“Everyone get out of my fucking barn,” Papa growls as both couples are declared man and wife. “There’s booze and food but not in here.”

There’s another ripple of laughter, but when he turns and they see the look in his eye, they fall silent. Then start filing out in quick order.

Mama is making apologies, telling everyone that there’s a buffet in the dance auditorium and there’s plenty for everyone, but I barely notice them all go. Because my eyes are fixed on Papa.

“Congrats, sis,” Lucy whispers as she’s pulled away by Sully. She grins, anticipation sparkling in her eyes. “We’ll see you later.”

And with that, she’s gone, and we’re alone.

“So, the whole Chicago drama from way back is settled?” I ask, watching after Lucy. “I mean, that was a condition of returning, right? Having one of us marry Sully? Then Alfredo was going to fix the rifts of the past?”

“Yes, but we aren’t going. Unless you want to visit.” Gennero shakes his head as he reaches above him, running his hand along the wooden beam down the center of the barn. “I don’t want to go back, and I don’t think you do, either. This is where our life is. But yes, things are settled. Debts paid so to speak.”

“What about ballet? Now that Alik…well had his accident. Do you want me to still train?”

“Do you? I only want you to do what you want.”

“I love to dance. But, I’m not looking to dance for anyone but you.”

When I told him the things Alik had been saying to me all these years, well, I haven’t seen Alik since that day. I don’t think Papa killed him, but I don’t ask.