I look back at the open folder again, re-reading the part that says “scholarship award amount, $150,000”.
“I’d also like you to keep the moped. I’ve seen you zipping around town on it and you have the same look Bea gets—. The same look she got.”
Our conversation doesn’t last much longer. I thank Nate profusely, and we share a slightly awkward hug before I leave.
When I get outside, I pull out my cell phone before I take off, sending a quick text to Emmett.
Me: Our place? 20 minutes?
Emmett: See you there, gorgeous.
Chapter thirty-five
Aubrey’salreadyatthetop of the water tower when I pull off the road into the grass. I stop and stare up at her for a moment when I get out of my car. She’s not sitting, she’s standing and almost pacing back and forth. As much as she can manage to pace on the small landing, at least.
She looks beautiful up there. Almost as if she’s a princess standing in an ivory tower. Except she’s a strong, insanely intelligent woman, standing on the edge of a water tower. Thinking of how far she’s come since I first happened upon her up there makes me smile. I’ve come a long way too. I’ve changed majors and I’m taking school seriously for once. I survived near-death experiences more than once. I’m in a real relationship with someone I’m crazy about.
I am, too—crazy about her.
Only, I’m not sure I’ve properly told her how crazy I truly am about her. I sometimes can’t believe I still haven’t told her that I love her. That I’m profoundlyin lovewith her. That I can’t imagine what my life would be like if she wasn’t in it.
Not wanting to be away from her any longer, I start climbing the ladder up to the water tower’s landing. A slow smile takes over my face at the realization at how easy it is to climb the ladder now. I had to stop for more than one break to catch my breath only a few months ago.
“Hey gorgeous,” I say when I make it to the top.
Aubrey turns to face me, her hands intertwined. One hand pulsing the knuckles of the other. She’s nervous about something. The smile I had fades quickly and I rush over to her. Pushing the new lump in my throat aside, I ask her what’s wrong.
“Nothing iswrong,” she says.
I take her hands in mine to stop her nervous habit and give her a knowing look.
“Okay, here goes,” she says, taking a loud breath.
“Emmett, I’ve been thinking about this for some time now and I’ve been wanting to tell you this for longer than is probably normal,” she pauses to laugh, almost to herself.
“Gorgeous, you’re kinda scaring me,” I admit.
She jerks her attention to me and she must see the panic all over my face. A soft smile slowly over takes her lips.
“Emmett, I–I love you,” she says.
I’m stunned. This wasn’t what I was expecting when she asked me to meet her here. Let’s be honest, this isn’t the first time I’ve ever heard a girl tell me this. It is the first time I’ve everwantedto hear it and the first time I’ve ever desperately wanted to say it back.
I haven’t said it back.
I bring myself back to the moment, and Aubrey has a worried look on her face and moves to walk past me.
“Hey. Whoa. Where are you going?” I ask, blocking her path.
“I—uh, it’s okay. It’s okay if you don’t—”
“Gorgeous. No, don’t do that. Please. Don’t ever for one second think that I’m not completely in love with you. Aubrey—”
I pause, pulling her closer to me and lifting her chin so I can be sure she’s hearing me.