Page 72 of I Need You

I kiss her ear and then the side of her neck and she inhales sharply. Damn. I love that I can get such a strong reaction out of her from just a kiss or a touch. It’s hard to even imagine what kind of response I’ll be able to get from her when I can touch her, really touch her, without any clothes on.

Chapter thirty


IthinkIinvitedthe girls over to keep me from ripping Emmett’s clothes off the minute I got him alone. It’s not that I don’t want to take things further with him. I do. I want to take things as far as my body can handle. He awakened a need for him I didn’t even know could exist. But that doesn’t stop me from still being nervous. It doesn’t stop me from questioning if he wants me as badly as I want him.

Now though, after that faint, unintended brush of his pinkie between my legs, I’m wishing more than ever we were alone. Luckily, I don’t have to wait long. Madison must be a mind reader because not too long later, she encourages everyone to head home for the night.

My heart starts racing as soon as the taillights of Jesse’s car are no longer visible. Sweat pricks my neck and my hands are clammy. I’ve been alone with Emmett almost every night for weeks now, but something’s different about tonight. The air is thicker and charged with invisible sparks of electricity. Emmett’s thumb that’s been resting on my hip starts moving ever so slightly. Neither of us has moved. We’re both still standing at the edge of the barn, staring out at the darkness. I’m slightly worried I’ve forgotten how to walk. Maybe if I tried to take a step, I might actually fall like a newborn horse that’s trying to find its footing.

Emmett makes the first move and everything starts to blur together.

He moves and is suddenly standing in front of me. It’s almost as if he’s skating on ice. His movements are so fluid and ethereal. His hands clasp under my butt and he lifts me without any effort at all. I think I gasp, but I can’t be sure.

“Is this okay?” he asks.

His voice is deeper and raspier than it normally is.

I nod.

He leans in and kisses my neck once, then drags his tongue up the side of it. This time I know I gasp.

“Is that okay?”

“Yes,” I manage to squeak out.

My eyes fell closed at some point and with Emmett kissing, nibbling, and licking at my neck, I’m finding it hard to open them again. His hands under my ass squeeze at my flesh and with the thin fabric of my sweats I’m able to feel his fingers digging in. I let out a moan, an actual moan. I’d be embarrassed, but everything he’s doing feels so good. Plus, when I moan, Emmett responds by grabbing me tighter and grunting into my neck.

His lips finally find mine and the kissing is more than it was last night. It’s fast and needy and his tongue is in my mouth within seconds. I tighten my legs around his waist, trying to find even a bit of release from the intense tingling that’s been building all night.

I pull our lips apart and we’re both left trying to catch our breath.

“Emmett,” I whisper.

“Yes, gorgeous?”

“Take me up to the bed, please. I want more,” I manage to choke out.

Emmett takes my lips with his again and starts walking us toward the stairs. He has to pause our kissing while we go up the stairs and we both laugh as he takes each step carefully. By the time we make it to the bed my heart is nearly pounding out of my chest. There are a million thoughts flitting in and out of my mind, but one thought is constant. This, all of this, is right.

When he lays me down on the bed he doesn’t leave me there alone like he did before. This time he covers my body with his, but keeps his weight on his forearms so he doesn’t crush me. Then, without warning, a moment of panic overtakes me.

“Wait,” I practically shout.

“What? Did I hurt you? Is this too fast? Do you want to stop?” Emmett says, the worry in his voice painfully thick.

“I just—,”

Emmett gently brushes strands of my hair from my face and runs his thumb across my lips.

“What is it, gorgeous?”

“What if I’m not any good at this?” I ask, admitting my fear.

“Oh gorgeous. That’s not possible,” Emmett says.

A yelp escapes me as Emmett catches me off guard by rolling us on the bed so that he’s laying on his back and I’m lying on top of him.