“I don’t like you riding in that death trap Madison calls a car,” he says as he pulls on a shirt he picks up off the floor.
I sit up in bed, pulling the bed sheets with me to cover up. Owning my body, and not being afraid of showing skin is something that still doesn’t come naturally yet.
“You know Madison is a good driver.”
“I know she is. It’s not her driving I worry about. It’s that hunk of metal combusting as she drives it. I’m leaving you the car. When the girls get here, you can tell them you’ll drive.”
I don’t argue, I just laugh and fall back onto the bed.
I hear the telltale sign of Madison and Taylor pulling into the barn. The rattling and clanking of Madison’s car gets louder until she turns the engine off. Maybe Emmett’s right. It does kind of sound like it could fall apart at any moment. I take the steps two at a time to get down stairs and find them just getting out of the car.
“Hot damn,” Taylor shouts.
“What?” I say, looking around.
Madison laughs and points.
“She’s talking about you, Aubrey. You look hot.”
I look down at my outfit.
“Is it too much?” I ask.
I wrack my brain for other options I have upstairs that are clean. I really need to do some laundry.
“No. It’s perfect. Emmett’s going to freak,” Taylor says.
“She means that in a good way,” Madison adds.
Madison is always looking out for me in that way. Making sure I understand the subtleties of casual conversation.
I smooth out the front of Emmett’s jersey I’m wearing, the large number eighty splayed across the front. I found it a few days ago when I was making space for things in the dresser and I had the idea he might like it if I wore it. I’ve seen Madison and Taylor occasionally wear Ender and Jesse’s practice jerseys to games.
“Emmett left me his keys,” I say, wanting to take the attention off me.
“Dammit,” Madison exclaims and stomps her foot. “My car is perfectly fine.”
Taylor and I exchange a look before we both look from Madison to her car and back. Then all three of us burst into laughter before climbing into Emmett’s car and heading for the stadium.
We’re early enough that parking isn’t too bad and I find a spot right away. After I put the car in park, I turn to the girls before turning off the engine and I just blurt it all out.
“I think I want to have sex with Emmett. Or maybe I kind of already did. I don’t know.”
Taylor shrieks.
“Wait. What do you mean you don’t know if you already did?” Madison asks.
“Aubrey, I thought we decided youdidactually know what sex was,” Taylor says.
“No. Yes. I mean—I do know what sex is. But last night Emmett and I were kissing, and well, I had an orgasm,” I say, unable to keep eye contact with either of them.
“Just from kissing? Damn,” Taylor says, wide eyed.
“Well, there was—moving,” I say, finding it hard to put the words together.
“So you grinded on him and had an orgasm. That’s not sex. That’s just lucky,” Madison says, smiling.
I tell them about the other part too. The touching myself while Emmett did the same. They both squeal and gush and ask a million embarrassing questions.