I walk her to her moped and stand there awkwardly as she gets her helmet in position on top of her auburn hair. She turns to me when the strap is fastened under her chin.
“Thank you for lunch, Emmett.”
“You’re welcome, gorgeous,” I say, which earns me an eye roll.
I take a chance anyway, leaning in and wrapping my arms around her. Her arms stay still at her sides and her hard helmet tucks under my chin, but I hold her tightly. After a few moments, her arms raise up and wrap around my waist lightly, and I hear her exhale. I eventually, reluctantly, pull away and so does she.
Without either of us speaking, Aubrey gets on her moped and drives away. I watch her as she goes, her fiery hair flying in the wind beneath her helmet, until she turns at the end of the property and disappears.
When I call Bea’s the next day, I get a pleasant surprise.
“She’s already got your guys’ order and is headed out the door,” Bea says.
“Oh really?”
“Yes. She’s a good girl, Emmett. And I will punch you in the dick if you hurt her.”
I believe Bea’s threat.
And even if I didn’t believe her, her fiance is one scary dude who would easily hurt me purely for pissing off Bea. I assure Bea I have zero intentions of hurting Aubrey before ending the call and taking my spot in the driveway to wait for the gorgeous girl with the shy smile and bright green eyes.
I spend most of lunch trying not to stare at Aubrey, which leads to me inhaling my sandwich way too fast in an attempt to distract myself. When I look down, Aubrey’s barely taken two bites of her sandwich, and mine has been reduced to crumbs.
The conversation seems to flow even easier today. We talk about everything from football to her job at the bakery. She asks about my friends and my family but not so subtly changes the subject when I try to ask about hers. I managed to make her laugh a few times. A sound that is like literal music to my ears. I chase that sound for the rest of our lunch. A lunch that ends way too quickly.
“I’ll see you tonight then?” Aubrey says as she fastens her helmet on her head.
Curiously, she isn’t making eye contact, but that’s probably a good thing because I know I have the biggest, goofiest grin plastered across my face.
I reach for her hand when she’s finished fastening her helmet strap and pull her quickly to me, letting our chests touch just barely. I can hear her breath hitch and when she turns those bright green eyes my way, I see much more than I was expecting.
A stray piece of copper hair is flying loose next to her face and I gently tuck it behind her ear, never breaking eye contact with her.
“Yeah, I’ll be there,” I say and reluctantly release her before the temptation of her full lips is too much.
I want to kiss her badly, but I also don’t want to break the spell. The spell of her being so much more than any girl has ever been. I don’t just have feelings for Aubrey, I have a deep and possibly insatiable need for her. And I think I’m going to tell her this. Tonight.
Chapter sixteen
I’veonlybeensittingon the water tower for five minutes when I see headlights pull off the dirt road into the field below me. My stomach erupts with butterflies before I even catch sight of his face.
Over the past week, something changed. Maybe it’s the fear of my impending nuptials to a guy I’ve barely spoken to, or maybe Emmett’s persistence really did just wear me down. Either way; I can’t deny it anymore.
I have feelings for Emmett. Big ones.
When I think of him–I smile without meaning to and my skin tingles in ways I didn’t know it could. When I’m not with him–I want to be with him.
I watch him as he climbs up the ladder. I stay still and silent as he makes it to the top and takes his place next to me. His thigh presses against mine and he lets out a loud breath, relaxing against the railing and turning toward me.
“Hello, gorgeous,” he says.
I know my cheeks are scarlet, and it’s pointless to try to hide my smile. Only a few weeks ago, his unprompted compliments enraged me and now, now they fill my heart.
But I let my smile fade because I know I have to tell him. I have to tell him I’m nearly trapped. The feelings I’ve developed for him may be wasted because I’m not sure how I’ll get out of the predicament of marrying Thomas Hill in less than two months. I haven’t saved up enough money to leave and even if I leave, how do I stop them from coming after me?
I’ve heard the rumors of how the church has gone after other apostates. They’ve caused them to lose their jobs, their houses, their small support systems. If I leave, especially now that Pastor Johnson has matched me for courting, I would be a high-level threat to him and to the church. They won’t just let me leave in peace. And now that I have people in my life I care about; Emmett and Bea, I worry that they’ll go after them.