Page 34 of I Need You

I’ve never shied away from telling my friends about the girls I hook up with. In fact, Taylor and I regularly talk about myconquests,as she likes to call them.

But this–Aubrey–it’s different. She’s different.

She’s not some girl I’m hooking up with. I don’t really know what she is, but she’s definitely something, someone, special.

“I really don’t know what to tell you, Tay. Really, there’s nothing to tell. I drove her home is all,” I say, leaning back into the couch and stealing the video game controller from Jesse.

Taylor starts to talk again, but Madison cuts her off.

“I have news,” she blurts out.

We all turn our attention to her and she has a shy, awkward smile that’s unusual for her. Sure, when we all first met she wasn’t totally comfortable, but we’re basically her family now. I wonder what she’s so nervous to tell us. I swear if she’s about to tell us she’s pregnant…

“I’m meeting my aunt and cousin next week. You know, my bio-dad’s sister and her kid.”

Madison got a shock a few months back when she found some journals of her moms and uncovered the fact that her parents had lied to her about who her biological dad was. The dad she grew up with passed away years ago in an accident and it turns out her bio-dad died a long time ago too–overdose. It’s all still pretty messy and new.

“Awe, hell yeah,” Jesse says, leaning over and giving her a high five.

“I’m really proud of you, Mads,” Taylor says.

Madison's eyes go a little glassy and Ender pulls her in for a tight hug.

“Where are you meeting them?” I ask her.

“They’re actually going to fly into Sheridan and stay a few days.”

“That’s great Madison,” I tell her. “Let me know if you need a ride so it doesn't take you hours to get there in your hunk of junk.”

I let out a laugh and Madison throws a pillow at my head.

“Hey–I’m ill,” I shout between laughs.

“Shut up, you’re fine. Fine enough to get what you deserve in the form of pillows to the head,” she says, sticking her tongue out at me like a child.

“So, have you told your mom?” I ask.

Madison groans. I know she’s had limited contact with her mom since their blow up in California.

“No, and I don’t plan on it. At least not yet,” she says.

No one presses her further on this. Madison can be stubborn when she’s made up her mind on something and we’ve all learned when to back off.

“So, Emmett. Back to you. What the hell are you actually doing with that poor girl? Is it some kind of new good girl fetish or what?” Ender says, expertly changing the subject.

“No. You sick fuck,” I practically shout at him.

“Sorry. Geeze,” he says, raising his palms to me in a mock surrender.

I groan and rub my face.

“Shit. Sorry man. Look, honestly, I couldn’t even explain it if I tried,” I say.

“How did you two even meet?” Jesse asks.

“Yeah, she doesn’t go to Pinehurst, does she?” Madison chimes in.

“Actually, I met her at the water tower.”